Band Practise [Momojirou]

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Momo Yaoyorozu was highly skilled in many topics. She was incredibly intelligent, the smartest in her class. She was very skilled with her quirk and a good fighter. She could get you out of any situation and save you from any bad guy. It seemed there was nothing she couldn't do. But alas, the one thing that Momo had not yet accomplished was something so simple yet terrifying. So easy yet difficult. And that thing was talking to girls; in particular, a beautiful girl named Kyouka Jirou.

Jirou and Momo were considered by all, including themselves, best friends. They enjoyed each other's company and picked the other up when they were down. They've always been there for each other and maybe that was why Yaoyorozu had gained feelings for her. Just over a month ago, that had become quite clear to her when Mina had struck up the topic of crushes in conversation. And Momo, oblivious at the time, told her about how much she admired Jirou, but only now did she realise that that admiration was something more.

The ravenette sighed as she propped her head on her hand, recollecting the memories of realising she had a crush on her best friend. It had initially come as quite a shock to her, she had never been one for love and romance (she'd always put studies and hero work first) but always assumed when the right person came along they wouldn't be her best friend, or a girl for that matter. But after the first few moments of disbelief and finally getting to grips with the person she was, Momo had accepted that fact and the idea didn't scare her so much. Her parents had always told her that they didn't really care who she'd love at the end of the day: whether they were poor or rich never mattered. But Yaomomo silently pondered if their acceptance would apply to girls too.

Ever since the intelligent girl had known she had feelings for Jirou, things at school had become increasingly more difficult. It was as though her brain was now picking up on every little detail and she would become a blushing, stuttering mess whenever the other would look her way. Momo had almost decided on not ever coming back into school completely because simply seeing the other all day and having to constantly hide whenever she was around was too much. But Mina had convinced her otherwise and made her see reason when it was hard to do so with this crazy mix of feelings she herself couldn't quite fully understand. There was one highlight to Momo's day though, that she couldn't afford to miss. When class was in session and all attention was averted forwards, the girl could finally look over at her crush without getting horribly tongue-tied and admire those little details about her that many would overlook but to her were treasures, each one of them. The way Jirou tapped her fingers against her desk in a steady rhythm as though she was composing music in her head. The way she wrapped her ankle round the back of the chair leg, whenever she was deep in thought. The pencils she'd leave in her hair and then forget were there. The way she fiddled with the earphone jacks at her ear when she was nervous. And maybe it was slightly creepy to just stare at someone for an hour, but Momo couldn't help it, and found herself falling for the purple haired girl more and more, with every little detail, with every day.

About a week ago, U.A. had announced they would be launching the school festival this summer. The idea was to help boost the morale of all the students as well as the teachers after all the turmoil they'd gone through quite recently; and everyone was getting super hyped for it. It would be the perfect time for everyone to finally let lose and have fun: live like normal teenagers for just one day. The class had already split up into three groups and Momo had internally screamed when she and Jirou were put in the same team.

"This is horrible Mina!" The taller girl complained, dropping her head in her hands.

Ashido patted her friend's head reassuringly. "Hey, you'll be fine, it's just for like a week. This could actually be good for you guys."

"What do you mean?" Momo asked, looking up.

"Well you could finally build up enough courage to finally ask her out!"

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