Use Me [Shinkami]

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A/N: warning, includes smut

Denki sat down on the sofa with a sigh, placing his cup of coffee on the coaster beside him and cuddled into the warm blanket. He switched on the television and rested his head on a pillow, ready to relax after a long day of work. But what did he expect when he signed up to be a pro-hero, that lifestyle was tough yet he couldn't say he regretted following his dreams and seeing all those wonderful smiles of the people he'd saved.

The blonde was sipping his warm coffee, flicking through channels when a sudden news headline caught his attention.

'We've just received some more intel about the rouge gang roaming the streets of Japan known as the Jade Fox. Earlier this evening at 17:56, another victim was found dead in an alleyway, and what appeared to be the gang's signature pentagram symbol was inked in the victim's blood near the place of death. This adds to thirteen deaths this week, just as the leader of the Jade Fox said when he challenged the Prime Minister. We still do not know the leader's identity at this point but we've heard experts are trying to hunt him down to stop this horrible massacre and the chief of the police force has now revealed that anyone associated with the gang will be shot on site...'

Kaminari sat up sharply as the television screen cut to images of the young woman known as Itsuka Kendo, who had been murdered not too long ago. He turned to his phone which was flashing with the various numbers of calls and messages he was receiving from his other pro-hero associates. He picked it up, hearing Sero's voice on the other end.

"I gather you've seen the report," Hanta questioned his tone solemn and stern, contrasting greatly to his usual light-hearted manner. Denki swallowed hard, understanding just how serious this was.

"Yeah," Kaminari answered through dry lips. "It's just as the leader said it was."

The Jade Fox was a rouge gang hiding with in the very streets of Japan that had recently surfaced about a month ago. Their beliefs and motives were that of mad villainy and the pro-heroes had been trying to search and track down all the remaining members only to constantly be met with a brick wall. Denki, along with his friends Sero and Bakugo had been assigned to gaining intel on the gangs whereabouts and any clues for a name and face for the leader. But so far, after so many weeks of searching and gathering information, they still were none the wiser. A couple of days back, however, Midoriya had managed to locate and capture a member of the gang who had been taken into custody and interrogated for any information that could help the heroes. When the guy refused to cooperate however and began attacking the police, he was shot dead.

"The heroes need to have people on patrol at all times on every street corner to stop this from happening. The people are starting to lose faith in the heroes because of this and we need to maintain that strong front we always do," Sero informed.

Kaminari nodded in agreement, raking a hand through his electric blonde hair. "Okay, do you need me to come out for anything right now. Just say the word and I'm there."

He could feel Sero shaking his head on the other end of the line. "It's fine, we've got enough pros working down here right now, besides I've got Todoroki and Sato helping me in the Osaka prefecture. Just make sure you two are safe and don't trust anyone. We don't know who's working with the Jade Fox."

Denki sighed in annoyance. He wanted to help his friends and be out there in the action to protect them, but if remaining where he was helped just the same, he'd do so. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sat back against the sofa cushions just as he heard keys jingling together just outside the front door which swung open to reveal his messy haired boyfriend. Shinsou smiled at him in greeting, noticing the other was on a call and made his way over to sit down beside him and place a quick kiss on his forehead. When he noticed Denki's distressed expression however, he frowned, brushing a hand through his hair in a way of attempting to make him feel better.

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