Just This Once [Kirikami]

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A/N:Contains slight smut 

Kaminari flopped down on his best friend's bed, groaning in annoyance as he took another large swig of his drink, almost completely missing his mouth. "It's not fair!" The electric boy cried out like a three year old having a tantrum. He turned to the red haired boy sat opposite him, leaning against the headboard and replacing Denki's drink for the hundredth time. 

"What isn't?" Kirishima asked, hiding his grin in his own drink.

"How can they all be busy, huh? I mean—hic! —we were planning a Bakusquad get together forever."

Eijiro chuckled. "No-one calls us that, Denks."

His eyes widened dramatically in shock, gasping in disbelief as though Kirishima had just spoilt the ending of Infinity War. The other threw his arms up in surrender. "I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

"Well they should, it makes sense. Actually!" Kaminari suddenly jumped up and pouted. "Why is it the Bakusquad and not like the Denkisquad – that has a nice ring to it."

"Alright, Kami, you can call us the Denkisquad if it makes you feel better."

The blonde rolled onto his stomach and lifted his limbs in the air, so it gave the impression he was flying. The two boys had been spending some 'quality bro time together' as Kiri had phrased it (just hanging out and getting incredibly drunk) to cheer his buddy up when Mina, Sero and Bakugo had all cancelled their monthly meet up. Now that they were in their third year of UA, it was harder to find free time to do the things they enjoyed with the people they cared about. 

"It's not fair that, like, everybody is dating someone else. I can't believe they'd all rather be with their boyfriends and girlfriends than us. We've been their friends since the beginning of high school. Mina and Uraraka have been dating for 6 months. And Sero—hold up, who's he dating, he hasn't told us!"

The red head sighed, rolling closer to his friend on the double sized bed. "Well Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya have been dating for 2 years. Isn't today like their anniversary or something? I heard Midoriya mention something earlier."

"Speaking of which," Denki continued. "How did Bakugo manage to get two guys anyway? He's hit the jackpot, that's unfair. He's such an asshole most the time and he's got two boyfriends and I have nobody."

"They are pretty cute together. But, hey, don't worry, Denks. We can remain the single pringles in our group—it's chill."

Kaminari shifted over, the mattress bouncing under the weight of both of them, folding his arms behind his head and leaning close to his friend. Kirishima reached out and flicked a stray blonde hair from the other's eyes, as he smiled, looking down at him, propped up on his elbow. Denki swallowed hard. He may be playing all friendly now, but the blonde strongly suspected it was the influence of alcohol. 

"But don't you wish you weren't?"

The red head turned to Denki. "Hm?"

"Don't you get sick of not knowing what it feels like to date someone? To have all that?"

"All what?"

Denki chewed his lip hard. "You know...the butterflies in your stomach whenever they speak. The increased heart rate whenever they walk by. Feeling completely comfortable with them, knowing that they're not going to judge who you are. The late night conversations, the perfect kisses. The closeness, and safety you feel when you're in their arms as they hold you tight enough to know they'll never let you go."

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