Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14 (Pt 1)

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"It was the same one, Sir," he hiccuped and then sniffled and wiped his nose on his sleeve. Snape simply Scourgified the sleeve and conjured a handkerchief to give Harry. "I don't want these anymore!" He pushed his head against Snape's chest and Snape automatically drew him closer. "It's too scary!" he mumbled into Snape's chest.

"I will not allow this to continue, child," Snape spoke soothingly. "There is a discipline I have been meaning to teach Draco and I am sure it will help you as well. Although I had planned to begin next week, we shall start this evening." He cupped Harry's chin in his palm so he could see into the child's eyes. He gave him a small smile. "Now, would you like to try and go back to..." Harry shook his head vehemently. "All right, then. Get cleaned up..."

Draco slowly ventured into the dorm. He glanced worriedly at his friend. Snape spied the tow-headed boy and waved him over. "Why do you not both come to the Potions classroom. You two may assist me in getting a few ingredients ready for Monday. Harry, take your shower. Draco and I will wait here."

"All right, Sir," Harry sighed in relief as he slid off the edge of his bed. Snape stood and was about to turn away, when Harry caught him with a quick hug around his waist and a whispered, "Thank you for coming!" He then raced away into the bathroom to take his shower.

Draco, feeling somewhat in shock over this night, approached his Head of House tentatively. He then just stood awkwardly as though he were a bit lost himself. Snape rose from Harry's bed and nudged the young Malfoy over to his wardrobe where he opened it and retrieved clothing and robes which he gave to the child. Draco took the clothes, dropped them on his bed and glanced quickly at the adult who turned his back to give Draco a bit of privacy. As Draco slowly dressed, his teacher spoke to him.

"What are you thinking, Draco?" asked Snape carefully.

"I want my father," he whispered in slight embarrassment.

"Understandable. Harry's nightmares do not just affect him but also those he cares for. As I recall you suffered from a nightmare when you were even younger."

Draco nodded but as he realised his teacher had his back to him and could not see him, he replied. "When I was five. The... uhm..."

"The Death Eaters," Snape finished softly. Draco looked up, somewhat alarmed. Snape turned to the boy, and took over the buttoning up of his shirt. "Your father was experiencing his own nightmares which were exasperated by unwanted assemblages of the Death Eaters in your home. One night, waking to one of his own dreams, he heard you crying. Putting aside his nightmare he learned you had been having your own to contend with. The next day he came to me for something you and he might both take to ease such dreams since he was disinclined to use Dreamless Sleep upon you." He finished by pulling the boy's robes over his shoulders.

Draco smiled. "Dreamless Sleep is addictive. I remember, Uncle Severus. Dragon's Sweet Dreams. It tasted like those licorice drops you used to bring me." He then looked up at his teacher, his true godfather. "Did my father's taste like that, too?"

Snape smirked, "I believe that Lucius equated his to 'worn shoe leather' and he complained bitterly over how I favoured you by flavouring your potion, and not his."

Draco giggled.

Harry had finished his shower and he appeared just in time to hear his friend laugh. Smiling shyly from the towels he had over waist, chest, and head, he left the bathroom.

"You are in need of a bath robe, Harry," remarked Snape.

"Yes, Sir," agreed Harry softly.

Snape sighed softly. The formality had returned. He nodded to both boys. "Mr. Potter, you dress yourself, and both of you make your beds. In ten minutes I will expect you down in the Potions classroom to assist me." With that he turned and left the dorm shutting the door behind him.

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