Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8

Start from the beginning

Instead of feeling jealous when Narcissa and Lucius had announced they were to marry upon leaving Hogwarts he had felt happy; especially after he had seen how happy Lucius had been before he left Hogwarts at the end of Snape’s first year. Lucius was not forgotten, though, something he made sure of when he came to visit Narcissa on every weekend of her seventh year. Lucius always spared a few minutes for the “poor” Slytherin boy.

Narcissa Malfoy had matured from a girl into a beautiful woman. Sometimes Snape felt his heart ache with that old school boy crush when he saw her. She would never know of that. As her husband was Snape’s friend so too, was she.

"Do tell me how is Draco getting along, Severus?" Narcissa placed a cup of tea in front of him.

"He is doing quite well in almost all of his classes with the exception of some difficulty in Transfiguration. I am certain he will work it out with added study," Snape replied.

"Transfiguration was never an easy subject for Lucius, but he did manage an E for his NEWTs. Is my son doing well in your class, Severus?" she inquired. She politely did not mention that she was a Mistress of Transfiguration.

"He is doing as well as expected," Severus hedged smoothly. In truth, he didn't wish to assess any student so new into the term.

"I am disappointed that my son is still allowing his temper to get the better of him, Severus." Narcissa was obviously referring to the two detentions Draco had already managed to earn. Draco, of course, had written the first letter to his father to tell about his infraction, whereas Snape had written the second letter.

"I believe that he and Harry may benefit from a meditation technique that is a foundation to Occlumency that I will be teaching them once the term is settled," he replied quietly. Of course he did not mention that he had hopes that the meditation would aid in easing Harry’s nightmares.

"That is good to know, Severus. I know how much it has helped Lucius since you taught him." Narcissa did not speak of it aloud, although they both knew it, Lucius' fair skill with Occlumency had saved his life a time or two. She did, however, give the Potions Master a slight, gracious nod in acknowledgement. "Draco seems quite happy with this friendship he has with Harry Potter," said Narcissa, gently changing the subject. "I was very pleased to learn that he had disassociated himself from the sons of Andrew Crabbe and Liam Goyle. I told Lucius that I was worried that the lazy habits and their bullish nature could influence Draco and neither his father nor I want to see his education to suffer." Narcissa took a sip of her tea and then turned her gaze fully to him. "I would never have guessed the son of Lily and James Potter would end up in our House, Severus. Remarkable, isn't it?"

Snape nodded. "Has Draco told you much about Mr. Potter?"

Narcissa smiled. "Quite a bit, Severus. I think I know almost everything that Harry has told my son; with the exception of secrets that boys will keep between themselves."

Snape sipped his tea thoughtfully. He wondered how much Harry might have told Draco of his home life. The main concern that had impelled him to accept this invitation to tea was to hopefully ferret out more information on the boy.

"Ah, Severus!" Lucius entered at that moment, tossing his outer robe over the back of a chair. He went to Narcissa and chastely kissed her cheek before sitting in a chair opposite Snape and accepting a cup of tea from his wife.

"A difficulty at the Ministry, Lucius?" asked Snape with feigned nonchalance.

"The Minister had another one of his panic attacks," Lucius replied blithely as he seated himself casually in one of the matching chairs.

"Would this be over the Tri-Wizard Tournament?" asked Snape.

Lucius nodded and then took a sip of his tea. "The Minister and that toady of his, Dolores Umbridge are looking upon the political and media opportunities that would arise with the revival of the Tournament. Fudge believes it would be most prestigious for Hogwarts to be involved, thus forcing Dumbledore to act, for once, with the Minister." He sighed and was quiet for a moment. "However, the Board of Governors are in an uproar over the whole thing due to the danger attached to the Tournament."

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