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Y/n POV:
Within a few minutes we were closer to the village, I could see George talking to some of the villagers. Wait! Talking? Can they speak as we can? I had so many questions running through my mind I got a headache. I pushed the mild disturbance down for the time being. Terra was able to get to George first, they began to talk about something, but they were too far for us to hear. George then pointed towards a house on the other end of the village.

"What is he pointing at?" Sapnap asked Dream and I both give him a look that clearly read 'your stupid.' Sapnap blushed from embarrassment, he obviously regretted saying anything. Literally, moments later we reached the other two.

"Hey glad you guys could make it," George said with a chuckle. Dream gave him a deadpan look but it turned into a smile, I just laughed at the boy's behavior. They barely remembered each other but it was like nothing ever happened.

George then explained what he talked about with one of the villagers and Terra. The villagers had a house that has been abandoned for a while, so George was able to talk the villager into letting us use it for the time being. We all agreed this was probably the best bet if we wanted to survive.


After searching everywhere for sheep, we were able to get enough wool to make beds for the five of us. Before the sun started to go down we had gotten back to the small house luckily it was big enough for all of us. Terra and I placed our beds close to each other and the boys stayed on the other side of the room from us. We all got on our beds but an awkward silence filled the room.

"Sooooo..." Terra started. We all looked at her waiting for an ice breaker. "Um, what did you guys think of the weather today?" She asked with a nervous smile. I let out a quiet laugh as I waited for someone to answer. George went first.

"Well it was sunny with a few clouds, so it couldn't have been better." He states as he lets out his own chuckle. We all laughed and smiled at his remark. But it was Sapnap that brought up the first real question...

"Guys." He paused as he got our attention, "Do you think we'll get out of here?" Silence spread through us again.

"Yes," I say, I look up at him and met his gaze. "I think- I know we will." I corrected my statement to give him a little more hope.

"But how do you-" He was cut off.

"She's right." Dream interrupted. "We will make it back to the real world and to our real lives!" I could see both Terra and George shaking their heads in agreement.

"Look Sapnap, we may not know for sure what the future holds but we are all determined to make it out alive!" Terra added.

"Besides your stuck with us." This was George's statement which made us almost laugh even Sapnap.

"I guess you're all right, the only way we will survive is if we do this together," Sapnap answered with a bright smile.

"Well since we are on a serious topic, I think it's best to talk about anything that's been bothering us." George states I look at his for a moment, then at the ground, I didn't really want to talk about anything I've been thinking about because I just want to believe that everything will be fine. But I know that's not always the case. "So who wants to go first?" He asks.

"I have a few theories." Terra says. "So I guess I'll go first. As we know we are stuck in this world with very little memory of who we are or how we got here, so I was thinking that maybe someone or something put us here."

"Like a simulation?" Sapnap asks.

"Yeah, something like that... I just have one of those gut feelings but I'm pretty sure I'm just hungry hahaha." She laughed trying to lighten up the mood again. "Speaking of food it should be done cooking now! Dream can finally heal up."

[Discontinued] ~Till the End~ A Dream Team Fic [Dream, George, Sapnap X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now