Scene Three: Stars

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The moon crept out above the enormous stone walls that surrounded the glade. Thousands of stars glistened in the sky, more than she had ever seen before. She stared at them and wondered, just how many people were looking up at the same stars she was, and thinking. If there was even any people outside this tiny place.

"S'the matter Twig?" Newt plopped down beside her in the grass. "See any monsters in the sky?"

"Not exactly, quite a lot of stars though." she turned to him. The distant bonfire was being lit for the monthly celebration, and George was preparing a dinner for them all. "Newt why are we here?"

He looked off at the small section of the wall that had no greenery on it. The doors. "I'm not sure, I'd like to think someone's protecting us. Keeping us out of harm's way or something, but they have a bloody odd way of showing it if that's what their plan is. That maze is full of enough horrors to scare anyone witless so it doesn't make real sense, just a nice idea."

"The maze? Those walls are a maze?"

"Yes, that's what we think it is. It's been here since the first boys came in, a few months back. " Newt shifted, looking uncomfortable. "We've been in there some, but the doors shut at night, killing anyone inside. And the pattern of the maze is bloody impossible."

"How is it impossible?"

"The walls change. It shifts during the night. Sometimes you can hear it even from here, grinding and changing."

A tingling feeling rippled along her spine. "People died in there?"

His face darkened. "Yes. two so far. We found only traces of their deaths. The shanks were caught inside after the doors closed." he paused before continuing. "Something got 'em."

She shivered, trying to push away the images that flooded her mind.

Boots approached through the mud.

She looked up and saw the short boy with the cut on his cheek standing in front of her.

Newt rose to greet him. "Alby! Here's our newest greenie, been calling 'im Twig. Already gave the tour."

Alby smiled reassuringly at her. "I'm Alby. No hard feelings from earlier?" He extended his arm for a handshake.

Tentatively she stood and grasped his forearm. They shook.

"Newt, Twig, care to join us for evening fire? George has cooked up some stew. And it's the six month mark tonight."

She glanced at Newt questioningly.

"Greenies come up on the same day each month. We celebrate each one to keep up morale. Things have been a twit dark of late."

They walked over to the large fire, and the boys all gathered around it laughing. The warmth of the fire cast deep shadows across the faces of the other gladers. She watched them as they joked and ate, though there was an edge of soberness to the gathering. Alby stood to address them.

"We have a new greeny, over there by Newt. Once he has his name back we can have a proper induction ceremony." He nodded at Twig and turned back to address the crowd. "Tomorrow morning we will need to be back at work. Max, you're with me. Gally, you're leading the working team for the hall. The rest of you, you know your posts." He raised a jar of water and drank.

Chatter quickly overtook the silence he left behind.

Twig sat quietly for a moment, then she asked Newt. "Where will Alby be in the morning?"

"The maze." he said gravely. "Alby wants to find a way out. That means someone is required to search that bloody maze for more clues. Something we can use to leave. "

"Leave? I thought you said it was safe here?"

"Maybe. We don't know what's out there. But we also don't know why we're here. Some say this is a test."

"Well what do you think?"

He stared into the fire as if unable to meet her eyes. Shadows danced across his face making him look unearthly. "I think we are trapped here. And someone is watching us. They've already killed three of our people. And they are waiting to see what we do next."

She whispered. "How did they die?"

His eyes burned like the embers. "Two were lost in the maze. The other took his own life." he shook his head gently. "They didn't need to die. The maze drove them insane." he glanced at her. "It will drive us all insane."

Quiet filled the air between them, though a rowdy chatter echoed from the other boys all around the clearing.

Twig stared up into the unending deepness above her. "I think... There used to be monsters in the sky. Monsters and heroes were formed out of stars. Those who that haven been lost could live eternally through their stories."

Newt paused for a moment, thoughtful. "Wouldn't that be neat. " he smiled sadly at the sky.

Sorry for the weird update, I just wanted to break up the first chapter a bit lol

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