Scene Fourteen: Fight

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The runners returned from the maze in the middle of the day.

Newt felt the sun high in the sky above him. There were a few sparse clouds that drifted along in the air offering some relief as they occasionally filtered the sun's rays, but much of the Glade was rimmed with the golden light.

Small bugs hopped in the grass and buzzed through the air. The garden had been growing steadily, though an unexpected storm had caused light damage to the newer and taller plants.

Newt worked quietly, clearing leaves from the ground and carefully mounding dirt around the roots of exposed stalks of corn, doing what he could to remedy the damage that had been done.

Lin was a few paces away, hacking away at the vines that choked their crops. The twisting green leaves and tendrils seemed to appear from nowhere and curl around their food and resources, strangling the plants and structures they built. Like the Glade was slowly consuming itself.

Newt heard shouting and looked up. Nick and George were leaving the maze, talking animatedly. They were moving in his direction, though clearly not looking for him specifically.

As they got closer Newt could see the sheen of perspiration on George's face and neck. He looked flushed and hot despite having just come from the cooler pathways of the maze. His lips were moving constantly, muttering quiet words under his breath.

Nick was prodding George, sounding concerned. "-Just tell me what you mean!"

Alby jogged up to the two of them, his expression hard. "What are you two doing? Why aren't you in the maze?"

Nick's hand was on George's shoulder, trying to comfort him or get his attention, but the angry boy quickly shoved him away.

"I don't feel like it." George said in a simple voice. He stumbled away and pulled off his shirt, leaving him in just a sleeveless tee. Sweat glistened on his skin as he panted slightly. He tossed away the fabric and kept walking.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alby put a hand on his chest and stopped him.

George sloppily scrabbled at Alby's hand for a moment, before stepping back and glaring at him. "Shove off."

Alby shoved George, anger making his voice even louder. "You think this is some kind of game? We need you out there! You can't-"

George's fist connected with Alby's face.

Alby stumbled back in confusion, touching his nose and the thin line of blood that dripped from it. "What-?"

George screamed furiously and tackled Alby. He pinned the other Glader to the ground and beat at his face, his eyes crazed and violent. Blow after blow landed as Alby yelled and tried to block the flurry with his arms.

For a split second everyone was too stunned to move. They watched the two tangled boys fight furiously on the ground. Nick lurched forward and dragged George off of Alby. He pulled him back and shook his shoulders. "What are you doing!" he yelled, inches away from his face.

George looked dazed and he swayed slightly. Thick droplets of blood had sprayed across his cheek, a single line of blood slid down to his chin and hit his shirt, staining it dark red. George's eyes and slowly found Nick's, confusion clear in his expression.

Newt ran and helped Alby up from the ground, steadying him. "You alright?" he whispered, glancing between Alby's bloody nose and George.

Alby covered his nose with one hand and he winced as he spoke. "It's alright, I pushed him."

Newt caught Nick's panicked look to Alby and his stomach turned. Something wasn't right.

Alby gently let go of Newt and stared at his assailant.

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