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I was currently sitting across from Lauren at a restaurant, waiting for the girls to show up.

I was gazing out the window when I felt Lauren's gaze on me.

I turned and met her gaze, she was smiling.

"What?" I chuckled.

She smiled. "You're just so goddamn beautiful.." she said, gently grabbing my hand.

I blushed, looking down.

"Laurennnn." I whined out, covering my blush with my hands.

"I'm just voicing my thoughts, baby." I looked up and met her eyes.

Just as she was leaning in the girls decided to enter the restaurant.

A groan left my lips as I watched all 7 girls sit down.

Lauren sighed, giving my cheek a kiss before turning her attention to the girls.

I crossed my legs, somewhat engaging in a conversation with the girls.

I felt a tap come to my shoulder.

"Miss Max." I smiled.

"Oh please, call me Ava." She said, giving me smile.

"So do they know... or..." I chuckled.

"Yes, they know. No worries." I said, smiling at the older girl.

"Would you like to join us?" I asked, making her eyes light up.

"Really?!" I smiled, nodding.

"Yeah, of course!" I said, getting glares from Dinah and Jesy who were failing her class.

I pulled up a chair on the end for her, she was now sitting to my right.

She smiled at me.

"I see you got the werewolf glow, you a pup now?" She asked, making me choke on my water.

Lauren bursted out laughing.

"Y-Yeah Shes a pup, a hybrid actually, after a near death experience." Lauren said, making Ava furrow her eyebrows.

"What happened?" The older girl asked me.

"Well, do you remember Camila?" She nodded.

"She's your lab partner this year." I nodded.

"Uhmm, well lets just say that she wanted revenge for Lauren basically leading her on and she thought that joining our enemy clan along with, killing me would be enough vengeance." I said, making the girl groan.

"I always knew there was something off about Cabello." She said, running a hand through her hair.

"You guys are seniors right? So like I can't get in trouble for being friends with you, Cuz you guys seem cool." I smiled.

"Yeah, were seniors." I said, smiling at the girl.

Lauren reaches across the table and grabbed my hand, a jealous look on her features.

"So, hows the potion making?" Ava asked.

"It's good! I actually found out how to make a healing potion!" I said, making the girl get excited.

"It's so cool knowing a natural born light holder! Do you think we can get together and make a few potions?" She asked, making me smile.

"Of cour- Oww Lauren! What was that for!" I glared at the girl across from me.

She glared right back at me and growled at Ava.
"Get your head out of your ass, Alpha. You're my mate here." I said, patting Lauren's cheek.

She relaxed at my touch and I smiled at her.

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