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Lauren's POV
"YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE GOTTEN US ALL KILLED, LAUREN! AND WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?! "SHE WAS INNOCENT?!"" Dinah tried to attack me, making Camila instantly hold her back.

"Calm down, Dinah! Now, or I swear to god you'll be spending the next full moon in the cellar!" I growled at the young wolf.

She immediately bowed her head in submission.

"I-I'm sorry Alpha... I just- she could have told the Dusk pack and they already have it in for our heads...." Dinah quickly apologized.

"That girl. She seemed...innocent, as if she knows nothing about what we are. She was so confused when I followed her and was so hooked on getting a kill. Plus... Dinah I- do you recall when you found out Normani was your mate?" I asked, looking at the girl.

"Yeah. Uhmm, she was still human and I found her blood so...delectable... I started to sneak into her home at night just to steal a sip of her blood, and before I knew it, we had met in person and once our eyes met, mine turned blue, the pure sign of meeting your mate." I nodded, running a hand through my hair.

"Why? Do you think you found your mate, or something?" Camila said, obviously jealous.

She wrapped her arm around my waist.

"No. It's just, I wanted to know." She nodded and I smiled at the girl as she kissed my lips.

"I love you, Laur." She spoke, making me look away.

"Love ya, Camila." I said. I could never look her in the eyes when I said it back, never. I don't know what it feels like to love someone in a mate way...

But apparently Camila does.

All I know is that I have to see that girl again. I have to know if I've found my mate.

I sat there, shivering in the cold.

My parents were home and when they were, I was forced outside.
I was never aloud inside when they were home.

They hated seeing my face during the day, and hated it even more when I'd have to stay inside during winter nights.

"At least I have something." I reminded myself.

I could never ask for more than I had.

I was satisfied. I had a home, parents, and food.

That's all I needed to live.

That's when I heard someone at the door, then my parents angrily arguing with the person, until it went silent.

The person left and my father came outside looking at me as I sat in my little house; if you can even call it a house.

It was a mere shed? Three walls that could only fit one person inside...if they sat.

It held a thin blanket and a pillow inside, with a flashlight for nights.

"You're going to school." I looked at him like he had three heads.

"You're serious?!" I said, happily.

"Yes. You start tomorrow." He said and left me there in the cold.

I was ecstatic at this new information.

I'm 17 and I was "homeschooled" since I was 15.

I guess authorities finally caught on and are forcing my parents to send me to school.

I wonder what it'll be like? Will I meet new friends?

My mind was swarming with questions, making me forget how cold I was before.

That's when I heard a bark.

I peaked my head out from the shed I was in and saw the black wolf from before.

It walked over, cautiously.

I felt scared... but once my eyes met those green ones, I felt safe and...protected?

This was weird, seeing as though this wolf was twice my size and could snap my neck at any moment.

But it didn't. It just sat there, observing me as if I was the most interesting thing in the world.

At least I had a friend, I guess.

I wasn't ever aloud anywhere that had people. So in the woods I stayed, making friends with animals and burying my nose in a book that I got from my mom's library.

I took out the book, not minding the presence of the wolf a few feet away from me.

I got to reading, out loud to the animal.

It watched me as if it were listening, it's ears would perk up when I spoke.

"When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem's fears of never playing football were assuaged, he was seldom self conscious about the injury."
I read from the book, looking down at the animal to see that it was resting its head on its paws, looking up at me.

I smiled, continuing to read.

"His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; when he stood or walked, the back of his hand was at right angles with his body, his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn't care less though, as long as he could pass and punt."
The wolf was about six feet away from me, but seemed interested in what I was saying.

It came about a foot closer to hear better and I smiled.

I had gotten through a full chapter when the wolf heard something else and huffed.

It whined and stood up, giving me a look before it ran off.

At least I got to talk to someone other than myself for a while.

I closed the book and started thinking about tomorrow.

First day of school.

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