"It was the only name I thought would suit me when I had risen."


"When my soul left my body and was placed in a new one. It all started about a hundred years ago-"

"A hundred years ago? How old are you?"

"I don't really know. I think I was in my twenties when I died so I guess I would be a hundred and twenty something? Anyway It started- Oh hold on this is a very long story, would you like to hear it?"

"Will it explain what on earth is happening here?"


"Okay then. Tell me your story."

"Alright. As I was saying it started a hundred years ago..."



When she first opened her eyes she wasn't sure wear she was or who she was. All she knew was that she was lying somewhere alone, in the dark of night. Where was she? How did she get here? Who was she? What was her name? She didn't know. She saw a nearby river and looked at her reflection in the water. Looking back at her was a woman she didn't recognize. Was that her? Was that what she really looked like? Was her hair really that color? Was her skin always so pale? Were these her clothes?

"What's going on?" She asked out loud.

"You're dead Sweetie." A voice behind her said. She turned around to see a woman dressed all business like, holding a folder in one hand and a bottle of booze in another. 

"I'm sorry what did you say?" She asked the woman.

"You're dead."


"Yep. As a door nail."

"I don't remember dying."

"Of course you don't. No one does."

"I beg your pardon but who are you?"

"I'm Cana your case worker."

"Case worker? What does that mean?"

"Follow me and I'll explain."

Not sure what else to do, she followed the woman who called herself Cana and listened to her as she spoke.

"You are now a ghoul. Do you know what that means?"

"I'm a ghost."

"No Honey there's a difference between ghosts and ghouls. Ghosts are intangible souls who float around don't inhabit anything solid. In other words they have no body but ghouls do. Makes it easier to travel to earth."

"Is this the body I died in?"

"No but it was made from parts of your old body."

"How did I die?"

"I don't know."

"Does anyone know?"

"So far only you know."

"But I don't remember."

"Yes it'll come back to you one day. It took me years to remember how I died."

"How did you die?"

"Binge drinking." She said before taking a quick swallow of her booze.

"Is this heaven?"

"No. It's the In-Between."

"What's that?"

"It's where beings like you go."

"Beings like me? What do you mean?"

"The thing is when you died, you had unfinished business. In other words you weren't ready to die, there was something you wanted to do and your spirit can't move on until that's done. In fact that's how it is for all ghosts and ghouls."

"Are you going to help me solve my unfinished business?"

"Sorry Darling but only you can do that. My job is to just help you get settled."


"You know find you a house on earth to live in, one that can serve as home for you and a gateway to the In-Between, abandoned houses are preferred but ones with residents can't hurt depending on who they are."

"Won't they be frightened of me?"

"No. No one alive can see or hear a ghost or ghoul."

"No one."

"Sounds kind of lonely don't you think?"

"It's for the best believe me. The living doesn't respond well to those who live beyond death."

A beeper went off in Cana's jacket pocket.

"Looks like I gotta go. "

"Wait you can't just leave me here! I'm so confused!"

"I'll be back. Don't worry. I have three other clients that I have to see to. In the meantime read this."

She handed a book to Juvia. It was handbook for the recently deceased.

"And if that doesn't help, try asking around. I'm sure there's at least one sympathetic dead person who will give you advice."

"How will I contact you?"

"Don't worry once I find a house for you, I'll be back."

Without another word Cana disappeared leaving her feeling greatly confused and somewhat scared. 

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