"Uh, sorry, the ancient samurai isn't an expert on Mystic Falls geography." Josie says sarcastically.

Landon speaks up next. "How do we kill the demon?"

"Uh, with his sword. It's spelled with a special kind of magic, so if we can just find the Oni-"

Josie is cut off by Rafael waking up within the van. I look up. "Found it!" I grin.

The Samurai wips out his sword, just as Raf kicks open the door. The two go head to head, Hope yelling a spell to take away the sword. Raf pushes the man away, before looking at us in confusion.

Rafael runs off as Josie heads towards the mans side. He mumbles before falling down. She looks back at us. "He said that could've gone better."

"No kidding." I retort shortly after.

The gymnasium roared as students cheered. Hope and I stand next to one another as Dr. Saltzman comes up behind us. "For all we know, Raf could have already touched someone." I mutter.

"Yeah, just look for anyone acting strange or erratic." Says Dr. S.

The three of us watch as the team shouts Timberwolves! Over and over again. "You mean besides the football team?" Hope adds. Dr. Saltzman shrugs awkwardly

Sheriff Mac walks over. "There's a student that needs your help." She says instantly. Dr. S looks at Hope and I, and the three of us follow her into the boys locker room.

Rafael sits in the back, cradling his face in his hands. I rush to his side. "Rafi?" I ask him.

"Lean, don't touch him." Hope says, but I don't listen. When I place my hand on his knee, he looks up at me.

I smile up at him. "Hey." I whisper. "How are you feeling?" I grab his hand, holding it tightly.

Rafael stammers was he glances up at Hope and Dr. S then back at me. "Um I wasn't in control back there."

"I know." I tell him. "It's okay. We can help you. We just need to know if there's anyone that you've touched or who might've touched you."

"Um," Rafael goes through what he can in his mind. "I don't remember any of it." He confesses.

I look back at Hope and Alaric, then back at Raf. "Okay. That's okay." I whisper, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

I go to drop Rafael off at the school.

He wasn't fond of it, but we made him go back anyway. So, when I walk into the school and see Landon, I'm quite surprised. "Landon, hey." I say awkwardly.

"Hi." He replies. He keeps walking. I frown, turning around to follow him.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

Landon sends me a side glance. "To the portal." He explains.

I raise my brows. "Then I'm coming with you." I retort.

"No, you're not."

I scoff, moving to stand in front of him. "Landon, there's a demon running around ready to drag you back there." I look down at his spears. The sword the Samurai had. "Why do you have that?"

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