Road to recovery

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(Tasumi POV)

I see Yen standing above me with bandages on his wounds. "Yen why are you out of bed? You should go back." "I wanted to see you." "Why?" "I can't sleep without you by my side." He blushed. "Yen you know you have to be at the medical wing, but if it's for tonight I'll allow it." Without hesitation Yen climbed into my bed and wrapped his arm around me. "Are you comfortable?" "I am now being around you." I blushed and went to sleep. It was morning the next day...or night..I don't know were in space so I can't tell other than the clock on my wrist device. "6 am...time for breakfast." I got up from the sheets but pulled back down again, I tried multiple times to leave but SOMEONE couldn't let me go. "Yen you gotta let me go." "Nu!" "Your not a kid Yen let go." "Nuuu!" "Yeeessss." I tried wiggling out of Yen's grasp, "Yen stop being a baby and let go!!!" "Nooooo!!" We stopped when the doors open Ms. Tara just stood there with wide eyes "I was wondering where my son was." "Help I can't get him to let go of me. ;-;" Tara tries to get Yen off me, "NOOO MOM STOOOP!!!" "YOU HAVE TO LET GO!" "NOOOO!" Both of them flew back as I was finally free "Freedom!!"I yelled running out the door, while Yen was whimpering in his mother's arms. (poor baby XD) 

I sat down eating breakfast beside Yuja whos was half asleep "You ok?" "Yea just tired from yesterday." "Let me guess...Vanessa nagged at you?" "How you know?" "We live with each other." "Oh, forgot sorry. How is Yen doing?" "Being a baby." "What do you mean?" "He snuck into my room last night just to sleep beside me, then this morning he wouldn't let me go and acting like a child." "Awwww Yen misses you.~" "Shut up, or I'll tell Vanessa you have been reading them human 'magazines'." "You wouldn't dare." "I would.~" Ms. Tara sat down beside us "Hows Yen's condition?" "He's fine he just have the cast of baby syndrome" "I don't wanna catch that." we laughed as we ate.

(Yen POV) 

Why do I have to be strapped to my medical bed..I just wanted to be around Tasumi." I heard the doctor come into my room. "How are you feeling young chieftain?"  "I'm doing ok. A bit sore here and there." "Well I have good news, you be released in 3 three days." "Really?!?" "Yes, but I want you to take it easy on your side for a while. That stab was a little bit deep. Come visit the Medical center twice a month." "Alright doc." He nodded and walked out, I lay there bored out of my mind, till I had an idea.

(time skip an hour just because :3)

 I heard a knock at the door, "Come in." Yuja stepped in "How you doing?" "Fine, question. Should we have blue flowers or purple flowers??" Yuja scratched behind his head "Uhh why you ask?" "I've been planning my future wedding with Tasumi for the past couple of mins." "You really have your mind set on her don't you?" "Hell yeah I do! She took on Thah-A all by her self...and she a human at that!" "I give her points for that." "She everything to me, I love her to the depths of space." "I when are you guys getting married?" "We don't know yet." Yuja crossed his arms, "So you two were planning your wedding but yet you don't know when are you getting married." "Well...I have purpose to her yet...I just confessed I like her before this thing happened." "Dont you think your taking it a bit too fast for her?" I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" "Your kinda speedrunning this relationship. Your just so in love that you just want to get to the big moments in your relationship, but in order for your relationship to flow smoothly you need to be on the same speed as Tasumi." "Since when were you the love expert?" "Ever since Vennessa..." "I never thought you can actually love Yuja." "I have feelings too you know!!" "Oh really I thought you just had anger." Yuja just gave me a hard cold stare while I sink down in my white bedsheets trying to hide from his gaze " was just a joke..hehe." Yuja cracks his knuckles, and before he gets the first punch Vennessa came just in time thank Paya. "I knew you would be here pookie-pie." "I told not to call me that in public."Yuja growls "Pookie-pie??" "Tell anyone and you'll bed in that hospital bed way longer than you should." "Got it won't tell a soul." "So how you feeling Yen?" "Good I guess, where Tasumi how is she doing?" "She ok, she's just napping." "Oh, ok. So how long till we get home?" "About two more days till we reach Yutja Prime." "Great, once we're home I'll only have one more day till im released from the hospital." "But remember you have to visit the doctor twice a month." "Whatever you say 'mom'." Yuja gave me a death stare "Call me mom one more time...i dare you." At this moment I knew...I pauk up....

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