Not what I excepted...

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(I hope you guys liked the lasted chapter and hope that you like this one.)

(Tatsumi's POV)

The next morning my team and I were on patrol, I'm sometimes not a morning person I was till sleepy but I was on high alert in case any xenomorph I heard some much about. Their very dangerous so I'm gonna have to keep myself up,"So Tatsumi how about-" I cut Ryan off"No." One of Ryan's 'friends' laughed"Dang bro she gave you a solid no."Ryan smacked him on the back of the head"Shut up dumdass!" I giggle but it stop when i heard something,like a branch snapped. No one else heard so I went  to see what it was. When I got to the spot I looked arounnd to see what made the noise, but there was nothing,I pointed my gun high somewhere as move in closer. Before I could take one more step one of my teammates called for me to head back to the base,I look back at the view of the jungle behind me then walked back to my group.

As we walked back I heard something in the bushes,"Hey guys something coming." I said quietly and everyone stop in their tracks and had their guns ready,everything was quiet till a low growl broke the silence, the sound of metal and flesh caught my attention and one my teammates was just floating three inches off the ground with something sticking out of him. Then a predator can out like thin air with its jaggeder blade in my teammates chest, we started shooting it but another one came and killed another teammate. We stated to run back to the base but when I looked back I was alone everyone was separated,I was scared,I didn't know what was about to come at me but I was prepared.

I stop at a waterfall thinking it would be a nice place to camp out till I can get back to the base,I took out my can-tine  and drank till I was half way gone. I never done that much running since I was in boot camp,a low growl came from behind I turned around to see a predator with its long,sharp blades ready to dig into my body. He came running at me and I started shooting him but he sliced my gun in half so that thing was useless now,I dodged his blades left and right,I took out my two daggers in a defense stance. He charged at me and I landed a blow on his arm,he kicked me in the stomach which hurt like hell a lot and blacked out since i hit a tree too hard.

(???'s POV)

I saw her,that ooman girl. I cant believe that a ooman lead alone a female landed two blows on a yautja,i was shocked,my comrade was about to kill her. I couldn't let that happen,I jumped from a tree in front of him and roared"Go back to camp,now!" He did what he was told and disappeared into the jungle,I looked at the fallen ooman...she looked harmless when she sleeping.But I cant think about that now I need to put her somewhere safe for the time being,I picked her up and put her on my back..she so warm,I got out of me daze and begin to find a place for to night.

Telling from how brutal this planet is the weather can be brutal too,I don't know why I want to protect her matter a fact be near her,I found a cave that was big enough for the both of us.I sat her down in the deep part of the cave so nothing will see her while I get something to make a fire,It was dark and she still KO,how long does it take for ooman so stay down?

I look at her and she open her eyes and sat up,she looked at me and backed away"Who are you what do you want."she said I don't know how to response to a ooman but she cant force me to talk so Ill stay silent."Why didn't you just leave me in the jungle?Are you just going to sit there and be rude or are you going to say something?"she so direct and so...attractive,well in my point in view she is."Ok, fine since your not going to talk ill leave." she started to walk out till I grabbed her arm and pull her back down to the ground"your not going anywhere." I strictly said,she froze when she heard my voice."You can speak english?"she asked"Of course I can speak it,my mother taught it to me with out using a translator."

She stayed silent for a minute"So you were born with that language?""I was born with two actually."she gave a confused look then looked down,I tilted me head to figure out what she thinking"Show me your face."she ordered"why should I?""I don't trust people I don't know so I want to get to know you better."I sighed and took off my mask and set it down beside me,when I looked back at her she gasp as if she saw a ghost I asked"What is there something on my face?"(ok so the picture on top of the page is what he looks like so I dont have to go too deep into detail)Her mouth was wide open maybe puzzled that I don't look like the rest of the yautja...I get that stare a lot back home.

(Tatsumi's POV )

He looked I couldn't stop looking at him,he looks just like a human..well an 8ft human to say the least,he had tan skin along with yellowish eyes.And has his hair down to his elbows with scares covering his body along with his was kinda sexy I had to admit,"Whats your name?" I questioned"Its Yen'dekar." he said emotionless"Thats quite a name you got there hehe. I'll just call you Yen so I wont choke trying to say you name"He turned to look outside"Your probably thinking how do I not look like the rest...well it because I'm half human."I was confuse at what he said,I don't know if I should ask this but here goes nothing....

(hi humans!I hope you like my story so far I got another one coming up soon Ill in form you later but right now go outside and get some vitamin d from the sun i don't know why you humans stay inside all day)

My little warrior/Half!Yautj half! Human x reader *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now