Help me!

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previously: I was thrown into a rusty, cold cell and scattered to the darkest corner, "Yen..please save me." I began to sob in my arms and hugged my knees to my chest. I know Yen will save me...I know he will...

(Tatsumi POV)

I sat in the cell for hours, not knowing what time it is or what day it is. All I know that it's dark and cold in here. I heard the cell door open and backed away into deeper darkness, " Heres you dinner ooman."The male dropped food on the floor and left, I looked at the food and from what I can tell it looks like scraps or leftovers. I didn't want to eat. I just want to be free, away from everyone...I just wanted Yen by my side and hold me.

(Yen POV)

I searched everywhere and no sign of Tatsumi, I hope nothing bad happened to her. I had search parties everywhere. They looked in every nook and cranny of the village and nothing, the doors open behind me to see one of the guards "Sir we have a witness to the female's whereabout." "Bring them in." I ordered and a frail old woman came and bowed to me. "You said you have seen Tatsumi, where is she." "The poor girl was kidnapped young chieftain, a group of bad-bloods stuffed her in a bag and bored her on their ship." "Is this true?!" She nodded "But that's not all, they had help from a group of females from our village." "I think I know who that could be, thank you for your time." She bowed and left.

I marched my way to Ek'a and her group "Oh Yen you finally came to visit me.~ How sweet." "Where is Tatsumi." my voice toned in venom and anger "Who?" "DONT PLAY DUMB WITH ME! I know you were part of Tatsumi's kidnapping, so don't play innocent!" Ek'a face looked terrified I walked close to her and grabbed her throat having her feet not touch the ground "Where is she...." "S-s-she with...t-t-the.... d-dark k-knight....c-c-clan." My anger spiked...I wanted to kill Ek'a, but not in front of the villagers. "Guards! Take them away and interrogate them, use what method necessary." I went back to the main hall and ordered everyone to find the dark knight"s ship. It has been two hours since I left Tatsumi so they couldn't have gotten far.

(time skip 4 hours later)

"Sir we found the ship, their near the Hunsu'k system outside the blue star." said on guard " Get all the soldiers and hunters on the mothership. Prepare to make an ambush" "Yes sir!" As I was about to leave Venessa and Yuja were standing by the door "You better bring Tatsumi back or else the grandfather is going to turn into a volcano." "I'm going to get her back even if it kills me." "You guys be careful ok?" I nodded and went to the shipping docks "Are you forgetting someone?" I froze on the spot when I heard my mother's voice, how did she know?? "I'm not letting some bad-blood take my future daughter-in-law without punishment, I'm coming with I'm coming you." "Bu-" "NO BUTS!" "Yes mother." The chase has begun, I'm coming Tatsumi just hold on.

My little warrior/Half!Yautj half! Human x reader *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now