My heart feels funny

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(Tatsumi POV)(you can change the name at this point I don't care)

I woke up in a bed of furs and thick sheets, I look around to see I'm in a room I'm not familiar with. Hold on...Yen knocked me out in the middle of a conversation, I'm going to kick his ass so hard he won't be able to sit. I got up from the bed and head to the door, which for some reason jump scared me, once I find Yen he's going to taste my fist. Yen I looked in the livingroom Yen was polishing one of his skulls. I snuck up on him for behind and put him in a headlock. "Hey what are you doing!" He said struggling out of my grip" Getting payback that's what!" "What did I ever do to you?!" my grip got tighter "You knocked me out dumbass did you forget?" He stayed quiet at that point, then flipped me over his shoulder making me land on my back with him on top of me. I turn beet red. So if he wants to fight I'll give him one.

I kneed him in the gut which gave me a chance to flip him to the bottom and sat on his face, I know I'm childish but what can I said I'm a child at heart.

(Yen POV)

How dare she out her ass in my face, if she wants to play dirty then I'll play dirty too. I bit one of her butt cheeks to make her squeal and get off me, while she was in pain I took the opportunity to put her in a head in a headlock with my legs and since she put her ass on my face I put my crouch in her and see how she likes it. Let's just hope she doesn't bite it off.

(Tatsumi POV)

Oh my god, his crouch is in my face, I knew at that moment my face gotten red as it could. I struggled trying not to get any closer to his manhood but his goddamn legs are too strong for me to pull away. "Are you going to give up Tatsumi?" Yen said in a deep tone which made me weak to my legs "Come on you can try Harder or are you too hot-head to even know what you're doing." That made me pissed but that tone of voice makes me melt, but that still made me mad. And without hesitation, I lifted his legs off my shoulders and stared at him with a murderous face, I head-butted him. I guess for him being half-human gave me some advantage. "Oh, that was a big mistake Tatsumi." Surprisingly Yen recovered and slammed me to the floor and crushing me with his weight. Yen comrade I'm guessing Yuja and the figure beside him was Vanessa'"Hey Yen I wanna talk to you abou-" Vanessa was shocked" What..the..f*ck..." Me and Yen looked at each other then back to them and said in unison "It's not what it looks like!"

(time skip)

"She started it!" Yen yelled "He the one who knocked me out so he the one who started all of this!" I yelled back "OK kids calm down." "You guys are acting like pups fighting over a toy." Yuja shook his head "Oh yea then you guys act like an old couple." Yen mumbled, "Hey! were not old!" Vanessa protested "And we're not a couple either!" Yuja added, "Mhm sure you are~." I said sarcastically "Tatsumi doesn't make me have to whoop your ass like I did 3 years ago." "Shh! We don't talk about that." "Oh, I wanna hear the whole story." Yen grinned and I elbowed him in the arm "Hey!" was all he said. "Can you guys not try to kill each other, we would like our friends to be alive." Yuja nodded in agreement. "And Yen I wanted to inform you about something but you..tied up at the moment." "What is it?" "Gi'ka kept on bothering me about you on the way here." Yen only sighed, I wonder who this Gi'ka person is if they are giving Yen a hard time. "Yen who Gi'ka?" "One of E'kas pawns who keep stalking me, and E'ka is a female that won't leave me the Pauk alone which is behind the stalking." "Let me it because your the clan leader right?" Vanessa asked "Yep, and the sad part is her mother use to do it to my father before he meets my mother." "That's kinda sad if you think about it." I mumbled, Yuja added"More like a pain in the ass."

(E'ka POV)(Yay! new character)

I was drinking some Cn'tlip quietly on my porch when a voice hit my ears(i don't know if they have ears but I'm guessing they have ear holes)"E'ka I have news that might want to hear!" My annoying friend Gi'ka, always gossiping about something, "What is it that is so important to interrupt my afternoon?" "It's about Yen." That got my attention "Go on." "he with a female ooman." I crushed my cup that was in my hands "How in Paya's name is he with an ooman?! It's not fair! I'm the elite hunter of the of this clan I should be by his said not a disgusting ooman."I roared, furious that an ooman is with my ticket to a life of luxury. Gi'ka backed away not trying to get hit. "Where did you see this happen?" "I spotted them in the market district if we hurry we may catch up to them before they leave." "Let's pay Yen a visit shall we?" "Right behind you miss."

My little warrior/Half!Yautj half! Human x reader *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now