Christmas special

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It was the 15th of December, 10 days till Christmas and I was so excited. Me and Venessa we so happy that we couldn't stop talking about it, our boyfriends look at us weirdly like we were crazy. "What are they so excited about and where did these weird decorations come from?" "Oh,  right you guys don't know what Christmas is." Yen raised his eyebrow "Whats chrinas??" "It's pronounced  'Christmas' not..whatever u just said." Venessa agreed "So what is this 'Christmas' about?"Yuja asked, "Well it's a time where you get to spend time with family and friends and play in the snow..." Vannessa cut me off "And drink hot chocolate and open presents!" "That sounds interesting." "Sounds boring." Yuja crossed his arms, Yen elbow Yuja's abdomen "Ow!"

"It's fun unless you're on the naughty list." Vannessa looked at me "You still believe in Santa Clause?" She smailed making fun of me "Don't judge me!!" "Who Sana claws?" "It's this fat dude in red that comes down through the chimney of your house and leaves presents under a tree and like to eat cookie and milk." "What a weird person...can he just go through the front door?" Vannessa and I just blankly stare at them, "Tatsumi, what is this naughty list you speak of?" "OK so we'll break it up for you, Santa has two lists. The nice list and the naughty list. The nice list is where children were good the whole year and by the time it's Christmas they get presents and other cool treats." 

Vannessa smiles thinking of a funny plan 'Oh god not today' I thought. "The naughty list is where bad kids go and never get any under the tree, but a monster that rips them apart and gobbles them up and stips out their bones and uses them for to for its nest!"

Yen and Yuja backed away very slowly, "Guys don't worry Vannessa just messing with you, what REALLY happens to those on the naughty list is they get coal. Coal is the black hard rock that we use on earth to heat and power things up. But for holiday uses its useless." "I think I get." Yen's eyes brighten up "Cool, now help us decorate the tree." "Where did you get all this from?" "My grandpa shipped it to me." Yuja rubs the back of his head"That explains it."

After we were done with tree-decorating we began to wrap gifts, but in secret. It was extremely hard because the boys couldn't keep their noses out of our business...well Yen's nose because Yuja doesn't have one, unfortunately. ((poor Yuja XD))

"I can't wait to spend the holidays with you." I said sweetly as I leaned on Yen's shoulder "I can't wait to give you your Christmas present." Yen winked at me as I blushed. 'I know it's going to be a great holiday for us.'

((Can't wait for part 2 ;). And guys be safe on your holiday and happy whatever you celebrate.))

My little warrior/Half!Yautj half! Human x reader *Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now