𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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And happy.

Other than being incredibly enthusiastic about the simplest of things, like a small bug crawling on the sidewalk, an animal spotted outside, or even finding a spare pencil in the ground (which Yoongi couldn't help but find absolutely adorable), but Hoseok was also just so sweet and understanding about everything.

If Yoongi was ever feeling insecure, or uneasy about something and wasn't up for talking to Namjoon about it, then he'd go to Hoseok almost instantly.

Because despite his goofy and humorous personality and habit to make jokes out of everything, Hoseok would lay that side of him to rest and put on a straight face. Not to mention the advice and tips he'd give Yoongi always worked, and were very useful as well.

Yoongi never felt pressured, or scared of judgement when talking to him.

Because he knew that he would listen, and endlessly comfort Yoongi with any forms of consolation that the elder needed in that moment the most. Quite a few times Yoongi would even break into uncontrollable sobs, or a few tears would stream down his face.

And any time that happened, Hoseok wouldn't spend one second hesitating in wrapping his arms around the petite boy, slowly rocking them both back and forth and whispering reassuring words as his fingers gently combed through Yoongi's locks.

Although the action was simple, it worked like a charm, as those sorrowful tears would only turn into tears of laughter moments later.

Somehow, as if Hoseok holds some source of witchcraft, he also possesses the trait of always thinking about how his actions could affect others, on top of everything else. For instance, if a funny joke happened to come in mind but it turned out to be insensitive or offensive in any way at all, he'd immediately zip his lips and push that thought to the back corner of his mind. He was incredibly respectful of nearly everyone and everything, as only speaking when asked to in class, or not interrupting his friends at the lunch table.

It was human decency, but many even so lacked that.

And because of these respectful values that Hoseok always held to a high standard and priority, anyone was dead meat if he caught them slipping.

Don't let the fluff-ball, squishy, and pure persona trick you, because Hoseok could easily win a fight if it was against someone who hurt his friends in any way. From years and years of competitive dance, Hoseok has built up plenty of muscle and strength along the way, so the boy could undeniably do some great damage to someone if he wanted to.

He wouldn't, of course, but the threat still hung in the air if anyone tried messing with his friends.

The threat being his notorious intimidating stare, his usual warm brown eyes turning icy cold, scaring off anyone in plain sight of him. It was extremely attractive, but terribly frightening.

Speaking of dancing, Yoongi was still eager to attend one of Hoseok and Jimin's dance practices or rehearsals, as he was very curious for what Hoseok had in store.

He already had seen Jimin dance several times at performances and such, as the two had been close friends since middle school. But he had yet to watch Hoseok, and the anticipation never failed to build up inside him at the thought.

Only good things came from people's mouths when gushing over the brunet's advanced dance technique. Common descriptions often consisted of: fluid movements, exceeding flexibility, perfect stance and balance, and his overall powerful presence on stage during performances.

Yoongi was simply wonderstruck from the frequent, yet captivating descriptions of the boy's dance moves.

He was the talk of the school.

Well, at least in the dance world, AKA from fellow dance students who shared class with him. But that didn't limit the overhead gossip or talk Yoongi happened to always hear strewn about the halls and during class periods.

But despite all these very positive opinions Yoongi held about Hoseok, he would never expect how much it really ended up taking a toll on his life.

And by toll, I mean how much Yoongi's world revolved around Hoseok; like the earth rotating around the sun.

It's consumed so many of his thoughts on the daily, that he didn't even recognize how much of his time he spent staring at him. Not only during sixth period, although that was where it happened the most frequently, but whenever the boy was in plain eyesight.

Yoongi would be lying if he didn't admit Hoseok was attractive. But he didn't think much of it, since he assumed everyone thought that way, which wasn't necessarily a lie either.

But it nearly put him into cardiac arrest every time Hoseok's prepossessing side profile was put on perfect display for the elder; it was eye captivating.

Firstly, the ideal pixie-like nose, flawlessly curving down in a perfect swerve and ending with a perky upward swoop at the tip. It never ceased to amaze anyone passing by, as it impeccably complimented every other flawless facial feature as well.

Including, his chiseled and prominent jawline. It was so insanely sharp that strangers across the street could undoubtedly detect its clean and angular appearance, putting them in awe as it does to everybody else.

Poor Yoongi had to nearly suffer every time he saw it, as he had to yet learn how to contain his fizzling emotions around it.

But his personal favorite feature of Hoseok's, were his gorgeous brown eyes.

Many people didn't find brown eyes to be too attractive, as most only fantasized and enthused about green or blue ones. Yet, in his opinion, brown eyes (especially Hoseok's) were the prettiest.

Different hues of auburn, cocoa, and mahogany swirled together in this ravishing whirlpool of melted chocolate, all blending together in creating this ending facade. Hints of hazel made its way into the heavenly pool of browns as well, adding this caramel-like effect into the already astonishing picture.

He could practically smell the coffee, hot chocolate, caramel, freshly baked pumpkin bread, making him hungry just by looking at it.

It was breathtaking.

The way those stunning brown eyes lit up and sparkled at the simplest of things only made Yoongi subconsciously be enchanted by it, not able to tear his eyes away if even if tried.

Everything about the unfathomable brunet only had Yoongi begging for more, as his curiosity about how Hoseok could be this perfect only led to the remaining yearning desires for discovering all the other hidden mysteries about him.

And here he was, in math class, dozing off once again in a daydream about Jung Hoseok.

🍓thank you for reading! ♡'・ᴗ・'♡
🍼hope you enjoyed ❤︎
🍓editor/assistant: jiminie_cricket_

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