"I'm looking for the family of Alex Danvers." the nurse said as Kara and Jeremiah were the first to get up.

"That's us." Kara said.

"I'll need to know your relationships with her?" the nurse asked.

"I'm her sister Kara Danvers and this is her father, my foster father, Jeremiah Danvers." Kara said and the nurse nodded as Kelly and J'onn got up.

"We're coming too." J'onn said.

"I'm sorry, but only Mr. and Ms. Danvers are on the approved list right now." the nurse said.

"Put both of them on it right now. That's Alex's girlfriend and her boss and a very close friend." Kara said.

"Names." the nurse said.

"Kelly Olsen." Kelly said.

"John Jones." J'onn said, giving the human form of his name, since he didn't want to give the real Hank Henshaw a chance to get back to Alex.

"Are there any other names you want to approve?" the nurse asked.

"Alex's mother Eliza Danvers is on her way here now and I also want you to let Winn Schott, Nia Nal, James Olsen, Lena Luthor, Clark Kent and Lois Lane." Kara said, since they hadn't determined human identities for her parents or J'onn's family yet.

"What is the news on Alex's condition?" Jeremiah demanded.

"While we were able to stabilize her, I'm afraid that her injuries were very severe." the nurse said.

"How severe?" Kara asked.

"She's suffered a large amount of damage to her spine, particularly her L4, L5 and L6 vertebrae." the nurse said.

"Does that mean?" Kelly asked.

"I'm sorry, but modern medicine can only do so much. She's paralyzed from the waist down." the nurse said and Kelly cried into Kara's shoulder.

"Can we see her?" Kara asked.

"Right this way." the nurse said as she led all of them back.

When Alex woke up, she groaned as she felt stiff and in a ton of pain.

"What's going on?" Alex groaned as she got her bearings and realized that she was lying in a hospital bed with her father, sister, girlfriend and boss all standing around her.

"Alex, I've got some bad news." Kara said but before she could go on, Alex realized something important.

"I can't feel anything below my waist. Why can't I feel my legs?" Alex asked.

"Alex, calm down." Jeremiah said.

"Why can't I feel my legs?" Alex demanded as she desperately tried to move her legs, but they wouldn't work.

"Alex, when you were attacked by Henshaw, it broke your back." Kara said gently.

"Wait, so I'm paralyzed?" Alex asked.

"I'm sorry Alex. I never should've let you go out there with us tonight." Kara said, blaming herself.

"Kara, I knew the risks and I chose to accept them anyways. I always knew that there was a possibility this could happen." Alex reminded her.

"Maybe so, but Alex, I'm sorry, but you can no longer go into the field." J'onn said.

"I know. And it will take some getting used to, but I'll adapt." Alex said, though they could all tell that she wasn't as okay with this as she was pretending to be.

"Alex, you don't have to put on a brave face for us. You can let it out." Kelly said.

"No, I'm fine." Alex said.

"Alex, I don't need to be a mind reader to know that you're lying. Just let it out." J'onn said and Alex knew that she wouldn't be able to get away with keeping her brave face up and honestly, she didn't want to as she finally let her tears fall and Kelly immediately crouched down to hold her girlfriend.

"There has to be something we can do." Jeremiah said.

"There might be one way." Kara said softly so Alex wouldn't hear them.

"Kara, are you sure about this?" J'onn asked.

"It's the only thing I can think of on this planet that could completely heal Alex and it would make sure that she doesn't get hurt like this again." Kara said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jeremiah asked.

"A substance called Harun-El. It's the same substance that powers Argo City, but Lena Luthor discovered a way to use it to give humans superpowers. We used it to heal James after Lex had him shot in the old universe.It should be able to heal Alex." Kara said.

"But she could never figure out how to stabilize it. Alex would be dependent on the serum or else it would kill her." J'onn said.

"My dad understands the harun-el better than anyone else in the universe. I'm sure he could improve Lena's formula to make it permanent." Kara said as she looked at her weeping sister.

"We should ask Alex what she thinks about this, since it's her body that would be affected by the serum." J'onn said.

"What serum?" Alex asked as she finally began to calm down.

"The harun-el." Kara said.

"Of course. It healed James, there's no reason it shouldn't be able to heal you too and it would give you superpowers." Kelly said.

"But wouldn't I need regular injections of the serum to keep me stable?" Alex asked.

"My father knows the rock even better than Lena does. I'm sure he can find a way to stabilize the serum so that once you're injected with it, it's effects are stable and permanent." Kara said.

"I have to admit, it would be cool to have my own superpowers after being jealous of yours for so long." Alex said.

"So is that a yes?" Kara asked and Alex nodded.

"Yes, if your dad and Lena are able to create a one time use harun-el injection, I will take it." Alex said as Kara smiled as she gently hugged her sister.

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