Chapter 2

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Darkness was all I saw while silence was all that was heard. The darkness engulfed me in its embrace as if welcoming me in its presence. I closed my eyes trying to calm my heart that beat from my throat pounding all over my ears as if it would spill over leaving me to die. I could not help the sob that broke through as my hand went straight to my mouth trying to stifle the sound but it was impossible as my body violently shook both from the cold and the sob that wrecked me. I could not believe how I had lost everything in a matter of hours watching it all slip through my hands as if fate mocking me of how stupid I was. My knees were brought up as I buried my face in them not caring where I was, no longer hearing the loud, angry barks just outside the door, not even seeing the dark figure standing in the shadows watching the intruder that had just signed a death wish. I cried feeling my heart tear into pieces weeping for those that would not see the sun rise again. I had lost my home that night and had nowhere nor no one to go to.

I jumped up something huge bumping against the door sending it to vibrate as if it would splatter into pieces right in front of me, I watched as the door shook again with the hounds hitting it with the determination to bring it down. I shifted away leaving a trail of mud behind me eyes not moving from the door that would soon give out my heart seeming as if it would give out anytime now as my whole body violently shook, lips quivering as more tears streamed down my face. I moved further into the house only for my back to hit a wall causing me to frantically look around and sat shocked realising that this was no wall, no it was far from being a wall as my eyes trailed up from the two long firm legs.

"What are you doing in my house?" It was a simple question yet somehow a shiver ran down my spine as suddenly the room turned cold, too cold for anyone's good as slowly I backed away seeming to prefer the mad dogs that were hungry for my blood. I blinked everything seeming to happen so fast for my poor mind, everything seeming too much for my mind to grasp.

"S..Sorry sir to-"my voice broke, it seeming as if I could barely even talk at this point. Fear could not begin to explain what I felt as I crawled back. I swallowed hard as I tried so hard to keep the tears at bay but they just kept on coming streaming down my face as I wondered who I had angered so much for such cruelty. The man in the shadows watched with the bottle of whiskey hanging from his right hand which was as big as my leg if I might mention. I swallowed again as if that would suddenly give me the will to turn around and run out of this house yet I now sat rooted trying to conjure words. I could feel his eyes wrecking all over my body patiently waiting for an answer his patience ticking away by each second.

"Sorry to intrude sir, please... I beg, can I please just stay for the night, I am hurt please and I will leave first thing in the morning. I promise I mean no harm." I said fumbling the first thing that came into mind as I knelt down begging this shadow of a man to not send me out into the wolves. The man did not say a word as I knelt before his bulky form hoping and praying. His form suddenly moved as he walked around me only to open the door only for the dogs to tuck their tails and walk back into the rain in defeat from seeing their owner. With the light streaming into the dark room I could make out the back of his head with black shiny yet un-kept hair and the outline of an overgrown beard. I swallowed with fear digging its claws deep into my soul seeing how tall and bulky this man was.

What have I done? I could not help but ask as the door was closed and locked behind him realizing my mistake of how I had just threw myself into a lion's den. My heart beat even faster if that was even possible with the blood trickling down my face as I could feel some of it already dry causing my skin to itch. I sat there waiting for what would happen next as it seemed as if fate was not on my side. I watched him walk back not making even a single sound. He walked past me as my eyes followed his every move making sure I knew where he was at all times my fists already folded in case I had to fight. Throwing his head up he took a huge gulp of the alcoholic beverage that was contained in the glass bottle he seemed to be fond of. I stood up not knowing what to do, not knowing if I should follow him or what but as I looked around barely even seeing my own fingers in the darkness I decided to follow him in a safe distance of course. He took turns and turns going down a flight of stairs as I tried to memorize the way but miserably failing making hot tears of frustration pool in my eyes making everything around me blurry. The deeper we went the colder it got and the scarier I became with the only thing I could see being his figure leading the way to my slaughter. He finally came into a halt where he pressed his finger for the scanner which I knew too well. I shifted my weight from each leg to the other knowing but not wanting to admit what was in front of me as my whole being shook so bad I thought I would collapse. The thick steel door opened blinding lights flooding making me close my eyes as they burned from the intensity of the lights. I opened them again to see the man holding the door wide open for me to enter but I could not. I could not just walk to my own death because I knew for sure that there was no bed room that was behind that damn impenetrable door. I shook my head as I took a step back only to turn to run as tears blinded me but I was too late, I was too damn late as he pounced on me pushing me to the cold wall my back colliding with it sending a bolt of pain all over my body with hot tears rushing down my cheeks, his strong huge hand around my neck squeezing the dear life out of me. 

"You wanted a place to sleep right?" He asked his voice sharp and demanding making me cry even harder as it became harder and harder to breath with his hand squeezing making me claw it away pushing with my whole body but nothing. He was too strong for me. I looked into his eyes only for more tears to spill out of shock and fear making me give up the fight as my hands fell into my side I staring right at the monster that stared back at me, I stared at the monstrous face revealed by the light from the open room. His right eye had black irises while his left eye left me pale as it was deep red with a cut going from his hair line down through the eye to his lip as if someone had dragged a knife down. More tears streamed down as my eyes took in his whole face that looked like something that would be painted, something so dark and twisted painted on his face as scars upon scars ran up and down leaving him a beast. His eyes promised nothing but pain as he stared at me, I could see the anger and hatred as he looked at me staring him with tears rolling down my cheeks begging the lord to let this please be a dream because it was too cruel to be real.

With one push I was thrown into the open door my body hitting the cold floor as my eyes rolled back wishing and begging for the lord to help and grant me my death. The lights seemed to flicker on and off as I blinked trying to will the dizzy spell away'.  My hand was harshly grabbed as I was dragged across the floor sobs being the only thing being heard echoing all over the walls. I knew I should fight, knew I should do something, kick, scream or whatever but I was just too tired. The world could be so cruel and I did not want to bear its cruelty anymore. I could not live on anymore as everything had been ripped away from me that very same day. I wondered why I was suffering so much as he dragged me my skin grazing the hard concrete floor tearing away as the pain just piled up to a point where I thought my mind would explode. I could not take all this pain anymore. I could not keep living this life as it seemed like I was being punished every turn I took.

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