❤️Secret Love❤️

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Fin and munch has been  interrogating  a young man about. In his late 20s about a rape and a murder of a young woman the two men  have had  enough of being nice well Fin did

(Fin) COME ON i said slamming my hands in front of him "we know you did it you have been stalking her now for months maby even years"

(munch) did she push you away  you had photos in. Your apartment that night did you go over to her house and confess your love for her and what she didn't feel the same and you lost your temper and you beated her and raped her didn't you.

(Mans name) i loved her and she never loved me. You what she did when i told her that i loved her she laughed in my face. I just wanted to be cloes to her have you ever loved anyone that much everytime you looked at them you wanted to tell them how you feel or you could see a future with them

(Fin) i looked at John but he didn't know i looked at him. Yes i have, i have loved someone everytime i look at them i want to be cloes to them. But even if i told them i would never ever hurt them. I kneeled down if... If you tell us what happened we can get you help

(Munch) i stood there in shock i never seen fin like this before well since i have worked with him.


(fin) i was tired i sat back in my chair and rubbed my eyes and huffed loudly "i didn't know you liked anyone" i here Munch say  i looked at him well i was just trying to get him to confess you know i bite my lip and he looks at him and he nods.  Ok he says.

a shot of love fin and munch Where stories live. Discover now