Flashbackand In Silence

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fin) the captain ordered me and Munch to stay the night i was fine with that i would  do anything to spend time with him i sat on one if the many beds i undid my tie and a few bottons and lay down soon after the door open and a shadowy figure stood in the door way he walked to me and i was thankful it was munch i nodded to him as he sat across from me

(munch) i sat on the bed and looked at fin you ok? I asked as he looked at me "yes im ok" he smiles i nod ok i took my glasses. Off and lay on a pillow silence filled the room or what you could here was the ticking if the clock i cloed my eyes and tryed to go sleep

(Fin) Munch do you think that everythings going to be ok  i said

(Munch) i think he will be stupid to come. Here go to sleep and we will talk about this tomorrow i say night

(fin) munch just promise me. One thing please don't die i can't loes another partner i say

(munch) i smile you will never loes me. Its hard to get rid of. Me i mean liv and Elliott has been trying for. Months i say as i giggle

(fin) i smile yes true night i say moving in a comfortable position putting my hands under my pillow time past  on that night and i thought about a memory as it goes through my head i smile

(fin's memory)

(Fin) it was a long day and everyone was getting frustrated and mad about all the cases they were on i had enough i needed a break so i stood up and walked to refill my cup with tea i popped the kettle on and waited for it to go hot i pour the red hot water into my mug i jumped as i feel two hands on both of my sides i look and it was munch "what the hell" i say

(Munch) i giggle sorry didn't mean to make you jump i say getting a mug for myself i look and lock eyes with fin as he blushes what i ask

(fin) i shuck my head nothing i say as he goes and gets some milk i take a sip of my tea and i feel his hand on my cheek i look at him weirdly as he smiles at me and walks. Away before he goes he  whispers into my ear(i didn't think i made you blush that much oh and. Also you have soft skin) i shiver as he walks away every part of my body was aching to feel his touch again

That night
Fin and Olivia went for a drink fin felt ever emotional possible he didn't know how he felt about munch  he has never felt like this before he will do anythink to be with him or cloes to him. Olive was talking and fin. Wasn't listening at all

(Olivia) and me and Elliott slept together on the floor fin looked at me "...... What.... He said whats the matter

(fin) im cool i said she gave me a look she new i wasn't telling the truth

(Olivia) 3.2.1 i said in my head (i think that i like munch) we made eye contact munch!!!! Really

(fin) ok liv he isn't that bad i have liked him for.........

(fin get woke up frim his thoughts from people screaming from in side.)

(munch) i jumped out of my sleep and. I got up (no fin said holding  onto my arm)  as soon as i went to the door i back off as i here a gun shot and people screaming

a shot of love fin and munch Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя