Ill Take A Bullet For You

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(Munch) fin shhhh i said to him fear took over my body i couldn't move i took deep breaths and then i could see the shadow off someones feet on the other side of the door i backed off as i could here the handle and the door sqeaking "get up fin" i say

(Fin) i got up and put my jacket back on as the door swings open and that man was standing there the man from the rape case my heart pounded out of my chest i thought it was going to come out he flips the lights on and i blink quickly as the lights stung my eyes

(Munch) the man stood there i pulled fin to the back of me wanting to keep him safe the man goes into his pocket and brings out a gun "Get out" he says

(Fin) you have to be nuts theres no way im going anywhere with you your a psycho he comes towards me and grabs me and slams me up against the wall munch tryed to get him off me "if you don't do as i say i will shoot him do you here me" he points the gun at munch i nodded my head i wouldn't want anythink bad to happen to munch ok we will follow you and we will do anythink you want just....... Just don't hurt him i say because if you hurt him im going fuck your ass up

(Munch) FIN don't be stupid i say the man lets him go and he pushes us into the squad room where liv and Elliott is


(Olivia) i go to reach my gun but he hits me then Elliott was going to punch him but he holds a gun to my head "you touch me ill blow her brains out" he says he backs away and then i see fin and munch i get up what do you want?

(Mans name) i laugh im going to kill all of you one by one its not going to be quick its going to be slow and painful i say and spat at one of them

(Elliott) bastard i say wiping the saliva away from my face i looked at munch and. Fin and they returned my look and i think they new what i was thinking

(Fin) then what are you going to do i mean if you kill us all someones going to here the shots how you going to get out i say you give me the gun and what ever you want we will help you

(Munch) i walk up right next to fin yes i mean you neally done your prison time and come . On none of us are worth to go back to prison for

(Elliott) i walked right next to munch there was nowhere for him to go. And this time you might not even get out i say coldly me and him lock eyes his eyes were dark with no emotion. In the coner of my eye i see munch looking at me i nod as all three of us grab him and try and wrestle him to the ground


(Olivia) i thorw myself on the floor as i here a gun shot i look in terror is everyone ok i say walking to Munch and Elliott i then here a graon we look at fin and his been shot Munch stood up immediately and ran to him

(Munch) FIN i say as he claps into my arms as i look at the bullet i see that he was shot in the chest liv runs over oh god liv i didn't even know he was that cloes to him

(Olivia) i rub Johns back its ok and then Elliott comes to us "we need to get out" i nod ok come on John help fin and you i say to Elliott

(Munch) i put fins arm around me come on Elliott help me i say

(Elliott) i roll my eyes and do the same we help him into the corridor as we reach the front doors of the station liv pushes the door come on open it

(Olivia) im trying i graon in anger i can't its locked

(Elliott) i lift Fins arm of me and go and help her come on we can do this i say we both push the door

(Munch) i rest fin down on the floor and put his head on my chest come on fin i say your strong come on i whisper to him

(Fin) i groan in pain munch i say man i need to...... To tell you something what I've been feeling i.... I stopped as we all here a bang oh god

(Olivia) shhhhh shhh stop i say as we all here a bang i panic ok come leave it we need to go and hide now i say grabbing Elliott's hand come on

(Munch) i nod come on fin we need to go i say standing him up as before and carrying him "where we going to go" i asked

(Olivia) ummmm i don't know yet just hurry i say. In a long time we got to this dark corridor i start to feel the walls as i pressed on the wall a secret door opens "in here" i say i wait till everyone gets in and i shut the door 'Munch go over and put fin down and stay with him and. Elliott help me put stuff near this door so he won't get in"

(Munch) i put fin on the floor again and unbutton his shirt a little "w.....w.. Watch out munch y.o.u haven't even bort me dinner yet" i smile shhh you i say as putting one of my fingers on his lips i took off my jacket and pressed it against the wound "ahhhhh!!!!" he graons in pain sorry i say looking at him sadly i stroke his face and move as he rest his head on my chest i place my hand on my jacket pressing hard trying to stop the bleeding after a few minutes i feel a cold hand on mine i blink a few times and look down fin's hand was resting on mine i smile his hand was cold but smooth i lifted him up a little

(fin) i had pain all over i felt sick and wanted it to be over but having him here felt even better he made me feel better and i wasn't scared.

(Olivia) i walked over to fin he wasn't doing to well he was breathing slowly i put a hand. On his forhead omg fin your burning up i say

(munch) is he i say putting my hand on his head fin i called his name i stroked his cheek as he moaned liv we need. To get him out if here if we don't his going to die and i can't......... My eyes filled with tears please

(Olivia) only if fin new how worried he was i smile to myself i then check my pockets i huffed loudly i don't have my phone i say

(Elliott) i check mine oh i do i say popping it open im going to try the captain i say


(captain cragen) i groaned and rolled over still in a sleepy state i picked my phone up and saw it was Elliott "Elliott why are you calling me its late at night

(Elliott) captain!!!!!! I say Olivia, Munch, fin and i are trapped in like a secret door thing we all was at the station and that man from fin's and munch's case came in and he had a gun we tryed to wrestle him to the ground. And then a shot was fired and its fin his been shot and his in a bad way please come

(captain cragen) i was already dressed ok im coming and im going to call some more officers all of you are going to be ok but don't do anythink stupid I'll be there.

(Elliott) ok i say and hanged up i looked at everybody his on his way i say told us not to do anythink stupid (cough) (cough) "fin" i here munch say i rush over and get some cloth

(Munch) i take the cloth and give it to fin as he puts it to his mouth and wips away blood god we need to do something now i don't care what the captain says im not loesing him i say

(Elliott) i smile i have idea

(Munch) i walk over to fin i don't want to leave you i say

(Fin) i want you safe im not going to risk your life now. D........ Do as i...... Say and get your boney ass out of here i say and do a weak smile trying so hard to not cloes my eyes i breath heavily

(Munch) i smile you always say that i say i stroke his forhead and whisper im come back for you he nods and i kiss him on the lips

(Fin) munch kissed me i was shocked i looked at him and felt my cheeks go hot h.... Hurry i say he nods and walks off i could still feel his lips on mine even though they weren't there i cough and. Look down at my chest the blood was leaking though munch's jacket uhhhh i here the door go again and looked and it was that man "you gonna kill me" i ask he smirks

(man's name) i nod i think you suffered enough i say taking a knife and standing over him i stab him in the stomach and he breaths out heavily "DON'T MOVE" i here and see a bunch of officers i smile its ok I've killed one of them

(Munch) FIN i say running to him oh god GET PARAMEDICS IN HERE NOW they come and take him in a ambulance

In the ambulance

I look at fin as i tear runs down my face and also his don't go please ok im holding on for you ok now hold on for me. I say he smiles at me "i love you he says as he shuts his eyes

a shot of love fin and munch Where stories live. Discover now