Mind Games.........

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She can't give acceptance to kill the child. Its not done.......

She firmly decided that whatever may happen she will bring this child. She also made a secret deal with her child not to trouble her more.

There the husband and wife who had no difference in opinion even a small thing are by  now standing poles apart in 2 different banks of same river. 

But.......The mother won. All thanks to same complications.

She's not strong enough to undergo abortion procedures so they had no option but to nurture the bud inside her. But the husband was clear she will take treatment in big hospital whatever the cost it incurs. Set and done 6 months passed in a jiffy. They dont want to mess up pregnancy by straining the mother with too much of crowd in name of functions. So, all functions set and done for close relatives. So almost no one were aware of the pregnancy until the delivery date she was rushed to hospital. That too not everyone. As it is a complicated pregnancy the MIL didn't want everyone to know. As it may cause unnecessary eves to put "Drishti" on their happiness. So a strict "NO ENTRY" for others. 

There she is.

Inside the operation theatre.

The mother made a secret agreement with her child not to give more trouble for her. Despite the agreement, the kid gave certain troubles. Not intentional kicking or turning upside down. 

It was a quiet kid. That made everyone worry for it whether it is alive or not. But yeah......There was a silent ticking from the very beginning of the pregnancy.

But the agreement made miserably failed when the doctor said this compulsorily will be a C-section owing to complications.

But everyone feared........

The mother tried to talk to child again but this time in vain. 

The water already broke.

The child seems no where coming out.

Nor they can wait for normal delivery as the child is already suffocating.

Each and every minute they are wasting may turn fatal for both mother and child.

Doctors somehow convinced them and here they are in front of operation theatre waiting for the M.S. Doctor to come for surgery.

Early Morning. The doctor arrived. Anaethatics was called for and the mother was given general anaesthetics. They started operating.

She was given a horizontal cut in lower abdomen, piercing the safety walls to reach the uterus.

They found the kid.

Oh no.......

Are they too late??

The baby after suffocating a lot laid there breathless. No....No...........Not breathless. But tired after struggling for breath.

Kid had its pulse. But feeble one.

They checked upon the mother. Despite the anaesthesia she just looked upon for the safety of her kid. But no.........She can't look for some more time owing to the medicines and fell unconscious.

They cut-down the umblical cord and separated the kid and mother. When the surgeon was stiching the mother's wound the gynac was trying to wake up the kid.

The mother reached the safer side. She's sleeping.

Gynac tried hard to retrive the pulse. 

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