Taehyun - exams

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Taehyun pov

Heuning Kai had faked sick to get out of exams last week, and now everyone thinks I'm faking too. How could they think that, I thought. I know it sounds stupid but I didn't mind exams. It was the only time there was ever peace in quiet in school.

I am currently on the way to school and Heuning Kai will not stop laughing at me, telling me how dumb I was to try and copy him. Beomgyu was just flat out ignoring me. That made me quite sad as we always joked on the way to school.

As we reached school, we separated from Heuning Kai and I could feel the tension in the air thicken. I feared if I said anything it would lead to a worse situation. I didn't even know why he was mad.

All this thinking was making my headache even worse but I couldn't help it. I decided to let it go and talk to him after school. I sighed. Staying up all night and studying the whole day without eating was definitely not a good idea.

Beomgyu pov

I can't believe both of them tried to fake to get out of exams. Even I am not low enough to do that and I hate exams. I was mad at them. We silently walked towards the classroom and I ignored Taehyun. I did feel slightly bad but he called it upon himself.

Taehyun pov

We were now in the middle of the exam and I started to feel slightly light headed as well as nauseous. I tried to concentrate and finish the exam but it was getting quite hard as I was becoming extremely dizzy. I closed my eyes and tried to regain composure but nothing was working. Staying up late studying was not a good idea.

I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me, most probably Beomgyu rolling his eyes. At the moment I could care less. I was now physically unable to concentrate and my vision started to blur. I felt myself start to fall to the side and just let darkness consume me.

Beomgyu pov

I saw Taehyun start to hold his head and close his eyes trying to compose himself. I was starting to worry a bit but my anger was still there and I just ignored him. He's probably faking, I reassured myself.

After a few minutes he was still in the same state. Why is he still trying to fake, I thought. I could see his face losing colour and he started to sway. He then fell sideways and onto the floor making a loud thud echo through the classroom.

I immediately stood up and ran to him along with the teacher. Taehyun was just lying motionlessly on the ground and it scared me a lot. The teacher allowed me to bring him to the nurse's office and I quickly ran. I could hear his shallow breaths tickle my neck on the way.

When I arrived at the office, I quickly lay him down on the bed. He was still very pale and breathing shallowly. He was also sweating quite a bit too. It was a long wait for the nurse to come. I was extremely worried.

The nurse finally came and told me that it was just exhaustion and malnutrition. He also had a fever which would hopefully be gone soon. I was slightly relieved but he still hadn't woken up. I stayed with him for the rest of the day until it was almost the end of the day and I eventually decided to call Yeonjun and Soobin.

"Yeonjun-hyung, can you come pick us up?"

"Why", he asked.

"Taehyun passed out during the exam and he still hasn't woken up yet, he also has a fever which has grown since he passed out."

I could hear an audible gasp and some rustling.

Before long I could hear him say, " we're coming"

They sounded very worried and I couldn't blame them. We had been slightly harsh towards him this morning and were starting to regret. We had forced him to come to school and now he was sicker than he should be.

I didn't want to leave Taehyun alone in the office but I needed to go get Heuning Kai and tell him what happened. Once I told him, we rushed back to the nurse's office.

When we got back, we not only found that he had woken up, but we found him throwing up on the floor. We quickly rushed towards him, grabbing a bucket and patting his back. He looked like he was in pain which broke my heart. He never complained when he was in discomfort, it made me want to protect him more.

Just as he finished throwing up, Yeonjun and Soobin burst through the door. They saw the mess and immediate went to comfort Taehyun and make him comfortable. Taehyun was cuddling with Yeonjun and started to fall asleep, making us all coo. It was rare seeing him so cute.

Yeonjun pov

It made me so sad and guilty seeing Taehyun sick. It was all our fault after all. Taehyun had just fallen asleep whilst we were cuddling. He looked so cute but I noticed how warm he was.

I asked someone to get a thermometer and proceeded to measure his temperature. It read 38 degrees Celsius, not too bad but still worrying. We quickly took him home. Luckily he was in a deep sleep from his sickness.

When we got home, I changed him into more comfortable clothes and placed a cold cloth on his forehead. I also dried his hair as he was still sweaty from puking so much earlier. I felt bad but he had reassured us that he had forgiven us. I sighed. He was too kind and patient for his own good.

He was nursed back to health in just a few days and we made sure he didn't stay up late to study and ate plenty.

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