Taehyun - weak immune system

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Taehyun pov

I was currently shivering under my duvet, despite wearing my thickest jumper and sweatpants. The members turned on the air-con as the weather was beginning to slowly transition into summer.

I tried to tell them about my condition but they all just dismissed it and said that it wouldn't be that bad. I was trying to fall asleep but it was so hard due to my shivering. I could feel the fever slowly creeping in. I was starting to become tired from all the worrying and eventually drifted into an uneasy slumber.

I was woken from my tireless sleep and felt even worse than before. I looked at the clock, it read 4:00 am. I had only been asleep for 5 hours. I don't know how I'm going to survive practice tomorrow.

Suddenly I felt something crawl up my throat and the sense of nausea overcome me. I tried to get to the toilet as fast as possible before the contents of my stomach expel itself all over the dorm floor. Luckily I got there just in time. It was so painful I could barely move. Black spots danced in my vision as I blacked out.

Yeonjun pov

I woke up early as usual and decided to go wash up before leaving. It was only 7.00 am and we practice at 8 so we were all getting ready, although I haven't seen Taehyun anywhere: he usually woke up the earliest.

When I entered the bathroom, the first thing I noticed was the foul smell. Then, I noticed Taehyun sprawled across the floor in front of the toilet. I ran up to him immediately and tried to shake him awake.

"Taehyun-ah! Taehyun-ah! Wake up"

He was shivering, although I could see he was wearing his winter clothes. I quickly ran to him and asked if he was okay, however to no avail. Upon closer inspection, I could see the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead even though I could feel the heat radiating off of him. His breathing also sounded laboured and I could see the dried tear stains on his cheeks. Taehyun was not one to cry under any circumstances, seeing the tear stains broke my heart even more.

I quickly called the other members to help.

"Guys, guys, help me"

They hurriedly filed into the bathroom upon hearing my panicked yells. When they entered their faces turned into worry seeing the distressed boy in my arms.

I ordered them to get different things, including water, medicine and a bucket just in case. I was so worried and I know the others were too. I knew it was our fault for ignoring him. We were all extremely tired but we still should've been more careful.

I hastily carried him to his room and engulfed him in blankets. He looked so small and cute but now is not the time to be thinking about that.

All the members returned and watched the boy as he continued shivering. His eyebrows were furrowed and his face was still pale. My heart aches for him. He was usually a strong boy and refused to show any weakness. Seeing him in so much pain, and knowing it was our fault was unbearable. I felt so guilty and the others probably did too.

At that moment, Taehyun opened his eyes and looked around with fright. I immediately sat him up and held a bucket under his chin. He began dry heaving and puking, starting to cry.

After he was finished, he began slowly closing his eyes again.

"Taehyun-ah! Taehyun!"

I couldn't let him pass out again. I tried to slap his cheeks a bit but that didn't work and he lost consciousness. I became even more worried.

Taehyun pov

I woke up again feeling the same nausea from this morning climbing up my throat. It hurt so much. I was panicking but luckily someone noticed and lifted me and placed a bucket under my chin. I wanted to thank whoever it was. I started dry heaving and throwing up. It wasn't much though as I had expelled it all earlier.

It was so painful. I started letting out some tears even though I never cry, but it just hurt so much.

Black spots began dancing in my vision once more. I thought I heard someone talking but I couldn't decipher the words. Again, I let darkness consume me.

Beomgyu pov

I feel so sad seeing my best friend in so much pain. He wouldn't be if only we all listened. But we didn't. And now he passed out again, I'm becoming even more worried. Yeonjun was trying to keep him awake but failed. We were all so worried.

Next day

We were looking after Taehyun throughout the night but he didn't seem to get any better. He woke up a few times but kept passing out after throwing up. The scene was so heartbreaking.

"This won't do" Yeonjun said
"We need to take him to hospital"

We quickly took him to the car and brought him to the hospital. The doctors took him immediately and gave him fluids.

We were all anxiously waiting outside.

"He is stable now. He just had a mild case of pneumonia. Once he wakes up, he can be discharged but still needs to be taken care of. In future, you should be more careful with his immune system: it's quite weak." The doctor warned.

He finally let us in and I rushed to see my bestie. He was starting to open his eyes and looked around. I was ecstatic to see him awake. We all apologised profusely and luckily he forgave us.

The next few days were filled with movies and many cuddles.

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