Part 32:- Nadan Parindey

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Don't kill me for this one!!
1. One I know it us not that good!!
2. And second well after reading u will understand!!!

Note:- Do listen to nadan parindey song before reading it....that will give you the actual feel!!
    And I know many have habit of skipping the lines between the song...I have never said u all to read it for this one plz do read!!!

Fab5 reached stage, but manik was restless, he saw where his parents were sitting, ,navya was holding her phone which clearly showed she is on video call with nandini!!! But was she actually bon call??? Or was it just manik's assumption???

Cabir had seen manik being restless so to lighten his mood up, he told manik in his ears about their plan to insult harshad!!!!

Listening to Cabir manik saw the crowd, he saw Fab5, he saw his family, all were way to happy, somewhere he convenced his heart that nothing is wrong, all is well and now was in action!!!!

Hashad came in stage!!! As soon as he was about to walk at the centre stage near manik, Alya puts her leg in between and harshad fell on manik's feet!!!!

Manik:-" Oh mine mine!! Mr.saxena you don't we'd to thank me this way by falling on my feet!!! (Manik says this loud on Mike, then he switches of the Mike and says to harshad)
Manik:-" Don't disappoint the audience and make urself fool for falling instead thank me properly!!!".
Harshad was in his knees by now when manik keeps his hand on his shoulder down in a way that he wasn't able to get up, so not making himself embarassed, he had to fold his hands bending on his knees, thanking manik!!!
Manik switches on the Mike:-" Oh Mr.saxena, we are grateful to you that you gave us this chance, you don't need to thank us this way, right crowd???"

The crowd was least intrested in drama, so they just cheered!!! Harshad finally gets up and a girl gets him a mike!!!

Harshad:-" So mumbai, ready for a fabulous performance from Fab5!??? I harshad saxena, welcome you all to the launch of my new music company!!!!"

Saying this he launches his company's logo, people clap and finally telling the aundiece to get ready for the performance starts leaving, but not before trying his last chance in spoiling Fab5's performance!!!! Harshad on stage hugs manik and slowly in his ears says something which broke manik!!!!

Harshad:-" Wow, you have balls ha, you made me beg in front of public, great of You Mr.malhotra!!!! But you think you won???? Ofcourse not!!!! I am always a step ahead!!! Look everywhere manik, many people are here except one!!! YOUR LADY LOVE!!! It is not that she couldn't reach here on time, she was forced to not reach here!!!!

Sayng this he winks and leaves!!!! Manik was left numb, he dint knew what happened, where was nandini???? His restlessness was not wrong, she was in trouble!!!

Otherside, nandini left the Malhotra manshion in manik's car, though she was driving fast, but she was driving safe!!! Nandini never preferred drivers, she always drove herself!!! While going to the venue, she dint realise when the truck hit her car and she banged herself with a tree!!!! She had injured herself badly with the tree, but she was yet consious!!! She very well knew if she did not reach, manik will not go on stage!!! Her forehead was bleading, she was in a bad state, yet she covered her forhead with cloth and her hairs called up manik, to tell him she will be there soo, just go on stage!!! She spoke fast not giving manik or any other members any hint and lastly called abhi and collapsed!!!!!

She has always been a fighter, so she was strong enough to not show her breaking voice to manik and in the need of the situation even manik did not realise, he just beleived on what she told "Nandini Promise!!"

As soon as harshad told about nandini to manik, manik was numb, he yet dint knew what had happened to nandini, he was about to step down the stage in his numb state when he heard crowd shouting his and fab5's name!!! He came to reality, he closed his eyes and recalled nandini's words, which she told him yesterday!!!!

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