Part 2:- it is all about work commitment!!

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Same day evening!!!

Manik-" So Mr.sinha, how many interior designers have planned to work on Chopra project????"

Mr.sinha" sir they are in all 5, khuranna's our oldest and best designer most of our dealings are with them, singhania's, kelkars, Mann's and there is this new one forever interior!!!"

Manik:-" Good, I did not expect 5 to come forward!!"

Mr.sinha" sir u are manik Malhotra, leading ones and plus the youngest bussinessman who wouldn't want to get associated with you!!!"

Manik:- " so mr.sinha, since I am sure you have researched about all, whom do you think will come up with the best design????"

Mr.sinha:-" sir seeing the past records I am sure it will be khuranna's....SOHA mam alwyas comes with the best one.... exactly the way we want, and about other 3 also they are leading designer's so at least they stand in the competition.....but I really doubt about forever interiors, they are completely new, plus the owner has also returned to India after long 5 yrs, I doubt she knows about Indian taste, plus she might as of now not even have the best staff, I to doubt they will b able to complete it in a week's time only, I guess they will back out last minute!!! I really think what made her take this up???"

Manik:-" Sorry I did not get you mr.sinha!!!"

Mr.sinha:-" Sir, we are known for our timing and quality rather say our commitment, most of the interior designers did not take up this thinking if they will not be able to complete it on time, the doors of Malhotra Industries will b shut for them for lifelong.....and that is pretty true sir......if anyone after commiting backsout at last moment you should never consider them in future!!! Now is forever interiors backsout last minute, infinity doors to will always be closed, but she will loose out on her Goodwill as well as it is the first project she is taken I don't understand y to welcome trouble yourself!!!"

Manik:-" Never judge a book by its cover Mr.sinha!!!! Nandini Murthy the owner of Forever interior.....has been a leading lady in London!!! She is young and if she has achieved this in London in a young age definitely there is something about never know she may actually come up with the best design!!!!"

Mr.sinha-" But what about the Indian taste, she was In London for 5 yrs!!!"

Manik:-" That is us to choose Mr.sinha, whether we like her idea or no, her job is to present the best design she thinks could suite the hotel!!!"

Mr.sinha:-" Sir if you don't mind can I ask you a question???"

Manik:-" if it is related to bussiness sure go ahead!!!"

Mr.sinha:-" Sir, this is a 18 stored building we are talking about, plus a 5 star hotel, how can you expect the best design within a weeks time??? It is impossible for the leading interiors as well, inspite of having the best staff!!!"

Manik laughs a bit-" mr.sinha, chopra's are out best client, and apart from that my first client as well, so I just don't want the best from them, I want a bit more than best that is commitment, this week time is to test their commitment whether they can make it or not!!! Let's see who stands this test!!!"

Mr.sinha now understood manik's point of view and he left for his work!!!!

           After having a conversation with Mr.sinha, manik left for home. On the other hand nandini had started working on Chopra project!!! After reaching home manik found whole of Fab5 at his home!!

Manik" wow what a pleasant surprise, entire gang is here where is navya and abhi then???"

There comes a voice from the door, "Here I am, one and only navya naveli!!!!" And side hugs manik, she greets everyone except for Cabir!!! Now this was notices by everyone!!!

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