Part 25:- Manik's Past!!!

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      Five days passed by pandit was sent to prision!!! Aditya had filled a chargesheet and there were maximum chances that when he will be presented in court, he will be punished for lifetime priosonment!!!

        On the other side, everyone were at peace and had started focusing on their work. manik and nandini were about to complete the chopra project they had taken up!!!

       Nandini was in a very jolly mood today, so she decided she will go to infinity architecture and have her Breakfast with manik!!! She had finally realized that there was something more than friendship to their story, but exactly what, she was yet figuring out!!!

     She happily entered manik's cabin, but he was not there, she called him up but he did not pick up!!!!

Nandini:-" Mr.sihna, manik kaha hai???"

Sinha:-" Vo aaj k din kabhi office nahi ate!!!"

      Nandini was shocked at this piece of information she dint knew what was today, so she called up in malhotra manshion!!!!

Nandini:-" Aunty manik hai???"

Neyo:-" Nahi beta, and aaj k din voh kisi se nahi milta!!!"

Nandini:-" But why aunty???"

Neyo:-" Sorry beta, it's not my position to tell you anything!!!"

     By now nandini understood something wrong has happened today and she knew only one person could clear her doubts, so she immediately went there!!!!

    Nandini barked into cabir's cabin!!!

Nandini:-" Everyone out now!!!"

Cabir:-oh mine, seems a tigeress has come to meet me!!!"

Nandini:-" Where is manik???"

   Cabir became uncomfortable at her question!!!

Cabir:-" Might be in office, I did not have a talk with him since morning!!!"

      Nandini putting her hands on the table!!!

Nandini:-" Listen Cabir, I do not have time for these games, so just tell me what does this day mean!!!"

Cabir in flow:-" The most special day which turned to be the most worst day in our life!!!"

Nandini:-" What do you mean????"

Cabir:-" Listen nandini, first there are many things which even I do not know bcz we never questioned manik and secondly whatever I know is just 5% and yet I am not the person to tell you about that 5% also!!!"

Nandini:-" Where shall I find him???"

Cabir:-" Even I don't know, may be beach???"

Nandini:-" He won't be there!!! Which was fab5's most special place, where you guyz made maximum music!!!"

Cabir:-" What???"

Nandini:-" I am not stupid to not understand, that something is related to Fab5 today!!!"

Cabir:-" Space academy Fab5 jam room, but he won't be there!!! His penthouse which nobody except me knows about, here is the address!!!"

Nandini:-" Thank you!!!"

Cabir:-" Nandini since years he has bottled up things, I am trusting you to get him to break the walls!!!"

Nandini:-" He has to Cabir and thank you for trusting!!!"

      Nandini leaves for penthouse!!! She ringed the bell but as expected no one opened!!! The entry had a code through which she could enter!! She called up Cabir and asked the date when they first sung as Fab5 and see the luck she knew him much better may be!!! The door opened not only to the doors of penthouse, but may be also to his dark past!!!

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