4. Feeling Played

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"Hey, Jack!" Rian's voice woke me from a daze, "What's with Alex?" He questioned pointing his drum stick towards Alex. Rian was sat at the drum kit absent mindedly tapping on different bits of it. I looked over to where he had motioned, and saw Alex hunched in a chair in the corner, appearing to be scrolling anxiously through his phone.

"You'll never guess.." I began, grateful for an opportunity to air my frustrations, but I don't even have to carry on.

"He hasn't broken up with his girlfriend again?!" He asked in a whisper, not wanting Alex to hear.

"Worse than that, she dumped him." I shook my head, "Again." It had happened so many times at this point that it was a regular occurrence, me and Rian shared a pained look.

"So what's this song then?!" Rian raised his voice, aiming the question across the room at Alex. His head snapped up, as if he'd just transported back into the room. He didn't speak but he slowly put away his phone and made his way over to where the rest of us were.

"It's called Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass." I filled the gap, still feeling smug that I convinced Alex to write down one of my dumb ideas.

"What's it about then?" Zach joined us, standing up from the speaker he was sitting on nearby, "Other than Christmas and...asses?"

Alex looked slightly mortified at sharing his feelings as of yet so I quickly answered, "Dont worry about that now, let's make some noise!"

Zach shrugged, and picked up his bass. Rian smacked a few drums enthusiastically and Alex gingerly slung his guitar strap around himself.

We didn't even need to explain to Rian and Zach or tell them what to do, we have this deal that whoever wrote the song (usually Alex) starts playing and everyone else joins in and makes up their own parts. It honestly seems like it shouldn't work but we've been playing together so long that it works like clockwork!

I counted myself in by yelling, "1,2...1,2,3,4!", before launching into the opening riff.

As the song went on, Alex's hesistancy melted away and he even started bopping along and letting out all his frustration. It worked! I realised, mentally patting myself on the back for persuading him to show the whole band the song.

When the song ended, with us all catching on to the tag line and yelling out "And it goes merry Christmas! Kiss my ass!", Alex spun around and spoke properly for the first time, "So what do you think?" He had a big grin on his face which made my heart swell.

"Awesome!" Rian complimented, totally ridiculous!"

"Yeah this song kicks Christmas ass!" Agreed Zach and we all laughed, before starting to chat about each different part and what we should keep and change.

Initially Alex was very involved, but then his phone buzzed and he started to slowly edge away, removing himself from the conversation. I had half an eye on him but I was also engrossed in our musical brainstorming.

I did notice however when he shuffled all the way out the door and we all looked up, confused as to why he had suddenly vanished.


Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass {Jalex •Completed}Where stories live. Discover now