1. I hate to see your heart break

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*Jack's POV*

The TV remote had grown warm in my hand I had been laying on Alex's sofa so long. Flicking from channel to channel was becoming increasingly boring. Ooh! Home Alone's on! I settled down on the leather, waiting not-so-patiently for the movie to start. My foot started tapping along to the song whizzing round my head repeatedly.

NO BODY LIKES YOU WHEN YOU'RE TWENTY THREEE!!! So fricken catchy! I hummed along to the tune.

"WHAT?! Why would you say that?" I heard muffled tearful voice coming from the bathroom.

A stab of pain echoed through me; I felt his pain like it was my own. My best friend. All cheer disappeared from my head, and was replaced with gloom -which didn't happen often.

"Please tell me this isn't happening." His husky voice broke.

Should I go comfort him? I wondered. No jack, it isnt your place to tell the sissy lil bitch of a girlfriend to go away, and not to hurt your Alex. I sighed, My Alex. I wish.

He sobbed, incredulity filling his voice, "So it's over?"

Then I presumed she had put the phone down, because Alex erupted with sobs. You may think, Jack why did you not run out the house to kill that nasty girl? But this happened often you see. Alex and his girlfriend were forever breaking up, and then getting back together again, it was tiring.

The first time, I had run to his aid, comforting him, and getting him ice cream - you know the 'best friend' things...

The second time, I hugged him until he stopped crying, and all the others are just a blur. This is one I remember the most painfully...

"Alex?" I knocked on the door of the bathroom. Not getting a reply, I cautiously entered the room anyway.

He was sitting on the closed the toilet lid, head in his hands. Sniffing, he looked up - eyes streaming with tears - and asked me, "Why do I always let her do this to me?" His voice cracked.

"Alex..." I said, not really knowing where to start, we'd had this conversation so many times. Before I could continue talking, he got up. Seeing the expression on his face change from sadness to anger in a split second, I reached out for him, trying to stop him. He was too fast. Viciously, he wiped the tears on his cheeks away, as if his own emotions infuriated him.

One step behind him, I saw his hands reaching for the cupboard that had been the place Alex resorted to way too much in this relationship: the drinks cupboard.

The wooden door rattled open, and glass clinked as our hands battled to grab the bottle first. The bottle fell from above us, the transparent liquid sloshed around like it was alive.

Jack Daniels.

The words blurred past as the bottle flew to the floor. The bottle smashed with a ferocious high pitched sound that made me leap back in shock. Shards of glass lay around on Alex's kitchen floor, and one had got lodged in his hand.

"Oh sillyyyy." I picked up his hand and examined it, removing the tiny piece of glass, luckily, the wound wasn't very deep. Alex whimpered like a lost puppy that had done wrong.

Sighing, I set to work sweeping up the broken pieces and depositing them in the bin. Meanwhile, Alex stood quivering in the corner, eyes wet with tears that were yet to escape.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly, whilst wrapping a bandage or two round his his blood streaked hand.

He shook his head, and stayed silent.

"Okay." I replied simply, not wanting to provoke anymore dangerous outbursts.

Leading him into his front room, I motioned for him to sit, and placed myself beside him. Home alone was just coming on the TV, perfect timing! I snuck a sideways glance at Alex, and I'm pretty sure he was smiling a little. It was our favourite movie after all.

Trying to be subtle, but giving up, I pulled him close to me and gave him a bear hug. He didn't seem to mind me crushing his lungs, and I was happy when he squeezed me back. We spent a lot of time cuddling, I'm surprised he thought nothing of it really.

I leaned over to kiss his cheek; he rested his head on my shoulder. Just friends -yeah right. Sometimes, I felt like he was just using me for when his girlfriend wasn't there, but I enjoyed it too much to care.

"Thanks Jack." He whispered, speaking for the first time in a while.

"It's okay, you know I'll always be here." I smiled, daring to stroke his hair; he acted like nothing was happening. "You know what's missing?" I asked after a moment.

"What?" Alex turned his head to look at me.

"A christmas tree!" I cried, leaping off the sofa and flinging my arms out.

"Oh yeah!" He grinned, perking up a little, "Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." I confirmed.

"Now come back here I'm coolldd." He whined holding out his hands.

Laughing, I sat back down and snuggled against him.

Just friends.

Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass {Jalex •Completed}Where stories live. Discover now