2. Christmas tree, oh christmas tree!

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"Nope, too bristly." I complained, and Alex rolled his eyes, we had been trying to find the right tree for a while by then.

He gestured to another tree, "How bout this one?"

"Too tall Alex! That wouldn't even stand up, let alone fit through the door!" I cried, did he know nothing about Christmas trees?!

"Oh, come oonnn! This one?" He asked exasperatedly.

"Oh that one! It's just...Perfect!" I smiled, clapping my hands with glee. Alex laughed, and went over to the guy selling the tree.

"Could we have this one please?" He asked; the bearded man grunted and threw the tree into our (well, technically Alex's) truck. Me and Alex would do it, but the truth is we have little spindly arms that cant lift any more than a carton of milk. Well, I have anyway...

We drove back to Alex's house, with me raving along to Blink (of course), I tried to lift the mood, but it didnt do alot. Alex was atleast trying to to be happy, his whole lack-of-girlfriendness was really getting him down. I'm not really sure why, she was nothing special, then again I wouldnt think so, would I...

"LOOK!" I pointed out the drivers side window, causing Alex to swerve.

"Jesus Jack! Are you trying to kill us?!" He yelled, but he wasn't really angry, he just seemed tired. The bags under his eyes told me he had barely slept the night before, so it was understandable.

"Noooo, but, hang on, pull over." Alex groaned, but complied.

"What do you want to do now?" He groaned theatrically.

"GO SLEDGING OF COURSE!" I shouted, trying to hype him up. He was still trying to act pissed off, but the corners of his mouth kept turning up.

We climbed out of the truck, and made our way to the back where I kept some plastic sledges, I wish I could say I'm a sophisticated adult, and they are for my nieces or something, but they're not. Whenever it snows, I'm always eager to go flying down slippery hills with the wind rushing at my face.

"So do you want the pink one or the blue one?" I asked.

"I think we know which one you want Jack." He grinned and passed me the pink one. Yes!

We clambered up the snow coated hill, me dragging Alex half the way since he wanted to do nothing but mope. Eventually, we reached the top.

"Are you ready?" I questioned Alex, bouncing about with excitement.

"I guess so." He sighed, gosh! Why does he sigh so much?!

"Cheer up mopey! You'll soon be whizzing about on a lump of plastic with your best friend!" I cried. There it was again...Best friend. A soft blow to the heart - but I didn't let it bother me - after all, I was determined to cheer up Alex.

He stood awkwardly holding his sled, waiting for me to go first.

"Get in then!" I motioned to the plastic in his hand.

Hesitantly, he clambered onto it and sat, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but out in the cold. Just to be spontaneous (and because I reaaallllyyy wanted to), I sat on his lap. He tensed at first, but soon wrapped his arms around my torso. Thrusting us forward (don't be dirty now I see you) I squealed as we flew across the icy ground. Feeling very excited, I flung my arms out to the side like I was a plane.

A giggle erupted from behind me, "We're flying Jack!" Alex mimicked titanic, causing us both to laugh until our sides ached. Tumbling to the bottom, we ended up in a heap of limbs, snow and laughter. My own laughter was making me giddy, but the fact that I made Alex happy gave me a warm feeling in my chest.

Once we had gotten up, and brushed ourselves down, we looked at eachother knowingly.

"Again?" He asked.

"Again." I grinned.

We continued to sled for what seemed like only minutes, but the sky, that was quickly darkening around us, told us otherwise.

Not long after zooming down the snowy hill one last time, we were trudging across the frost, both of us dragging the heavy lump of nature we had bought.

"Is this thing even gonna fit through the door?" Alex asked, sounding worried.

"I don't even know." I replied, equally concerned.

Much to our delight (and after a lot of struggling) we soon had the tree positioned in Alex's living room, and he had dug out the tinsel.

Picking some of the strange itchy decoration from the box, I slung it around my neck - like a feather boa.

"Do I look pwetty Alex?" I pouted, and shimmied in his general direction.

Trying to contain his laughter, he pursed his lips, soon after, he gave up, an fell to the floor laughing.

"Oh I thought so!" I said in a girly voice, before laughing myself and hanging some decorations on the tree.

After a while, Alex got up and joined me. We both were smiling, feeling unimaginably festive at last.

Oh, christmas tree.

Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass {Jalex •Completed}Where stories live. Discover now