Chapter 9: Rin...

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"Hi. Do you have a minute? " She asked.

You were all taken outside. Nee jumped onto the ground as he then sprouted the Chinese lantern plant. Shiemi took it gracefully as she stood up. The buds began to open as the small orbs came out and floated into the sky. You and Rin looked at them amazingly. While looking at the beautiful sight, Rin then took your hand into his. You blushed slightly at the sudden contact. You looked up at him as you saw him smiling while having a small blush on his cheeks.

"Rin... " You mumbled as you smiled softly. The once white orbs were now golden, making them resemble fireflies.

"You're the reason we got to save them, thank you! " Shiemi smiled. Yukio stayed quiet.

*Time skip *

"Okay... How'd you get this thing in here? " Rin asked confusedly as he saw the demon's cage in the middle of his room.

"Here, for you. " Yukio said while handing you and Rin a clipboard.

"Huh? " Rin said questionably.

"Since you've both been suspended for five days, I made a schedule for you. Clean the dorm, take out the garbage; your homework. And get it all done. We clear? Good, see you later." Yukio's stated firmly as he began walking out. Rin looked at the schedule then at the demon, who had quit his tantrum, yet growled at both of you again. He laid down angrily afterwards. Rin had fallen asleep after the first hour, meanwhile you were reading. He snored softly while leaning on the chair and having his legs propped up on the desk. He slowly began to wake up again.

"Oh crap! I fell asleep again!" He exclaimed. You smiled softly as you looked up from your book to your cute boyfriend. He looked over to the demon who stared at him. The small blonde demon slowly closed his red eyes while looking away. Rin looked at him as he reached for his bottle of water and took a sip. The demon looked at him and quickly diverted his attention again. Rin offered his water to him.

"I bet you're thirsty! " Rin said with a smile. He continued to shake the bottle slightly until the small demon accepted it. He inspected it first before taking a sip. After finishing the bottle, the boy stood up and took off his pants. You quickly blushed and covered your eyes.

"Rin! " You whined.

"Woah, hold on! Don't do it in there!! " He exclaimed as he fell over. He then took him to the restroom.

"Haa... Made it just in time." Rin sighed in relief. He then noticed a foul smell.

"Man, you really stink! Like dirty rags, crawfish and my old man's socks! " He exclaimed while he cringed.

"What do ya mean I stink! How rude! " The small demon argued.

"Uh... No way, you can talk?!" Rin said surprisingly.

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