Chapter 2: Phantom Train

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Hi guys. Well I'm posting these chapters everyday because I've written them while watching the movie at the same time. So of course I'm practically just writing the movie but including you in it. Though I plan to add some scenes that I've come up with. Vote, follow, comment and all that good stuff! Enjoy!

*True Cross Academy Town Station *

"The phantom train is a demon that has possessed the train. It can travel back and forth between..." Shiemi read out loud.

"They're late. Come on Rin and (Y/N), where are you? " Yukio mumbled while checking his watch.

"...And Gehenna, the world of the demons. It is also known as the 'Man-eating Train?'" Shiemi read questionably.

"Actually it eats human souls, not humans. Either way Shiemi, it's good to see you keeping up with your studies." Yukio smiled at her. A loud noise was then heard. Yukio and Shiemi looked over to the train tracks as they saw the train coming.

"There it is, our target for tonight's mission, the phantom train. " Shiemi looked at the train nervously. A sign on the train read, "Gehenna " As she began walking towards the train, she looked over through the windows, seeing people and a child looking at her. She gasped as the door opened. She looked inside and starting getting on.

"Shiemi! " Yukio said, making her jump.

"Please be careful, the demon compells people to getting on board and takes them to Gehenna. " Shiemi quickly got away from it. Yukio then took out a remote.

"Our ride will be here momentarily. " Yukio said as a smaller vehicle arrived.

"What about the passengers? " Shiemi asked worriedly.

"Their the ghosts of all the people that got on. Most likely, they don't even realize they're dead. " Yukio said plainly.

"That's so horrible. Isn't there anything we can do to help them out? " Shiemi asked.

"Not anymore..." Yukio said. Shiemi looked at him shockingly.

" And once we exorcise the phantom train, the ghosts will be extinguished." Yukio began to walk closer to the other vehicle.

"I'm sorry it has to be that way. But we don't have time to save ghosts on this mission. " Yukio said calmly.

"Is that thing part of the exorcism? " Shiemi asked.

"The trolley was custom made for this mission. " Yukio said as he hopped on. Shiemi followed.

"Easy does it. " He said as Shiemi leaped into his arms. A loud ringing noise was then heard. The train's doors began to close, as the train started moving.

"Shouldn't we wait for Rin and (Y/N)? " Shiemi asked as she looked around for any sign of the two of you.

"It's too late now. We're on the move so looks like its just you and me- " Yukio was cut off by Shiemi.

"Look! Rin! (Y/N)! Over here! " Shiemi exclaimed as she saw you and Rin together. Rin looked over to her. They were already leaving. Rin had been carrying you bridal style and became nervous looking at the trolley, that was already leaving. It was hard running like this and he had to be faster this time.

"Shiemi! No, stop that train! Wait up! " Rin exclaimed as he began running again.

"Hurry! " Yukio yelled as the train began to pick up speed.

"Come on Rin, go! " Shiemi shouted. Rin ran faster while making sure not to drop you.

"Faster, you can do it! " Shiemi encouraged. The train picked up even more speed. Rin continued trying to catch up. You felt bad, he was carrying you which made him slower and causing him to struggle. Rin got closer and attempted to grab the handle of the trolley with his other hand. You tried too. The trolley got farther ahead. Yukio then grabbed Rin's hand meanwhile Shiemi grabbed yours, as they pulled both of you on. Rin began panting after getting on.

"Why is it so hard for you to show up on time for a mission? Sometimes I wonder if you're actually serious on being an exorcist! " Yukio scolded. Rin looked up while pouting.

"I was studying okay? " Rin lied. You looked up to Yukio and apologized for being late.

"I'm so sorry Yukio. " You bowed slightly. He looked at you and nodded.

"It's alright, (Y/N). " Yukio said while looking at you. He then looked back at Rin.

"I sorta fell asleep and... Fine! I'm sorry I'm late, already! But I'm here now, so it's all good! So quit your naggin' already and let's get to exorcising, geez!" Rin complained while walking towards the door of the train. You followed him and sighed.

"Rin! " Shiemi gasped. As Rin was about to grab the door handle, it morphed into a weird claw-like mouth and bit him.

"Gahh! Owww!" Rin exclaimed while holding his hand. You quickly ran towards him worriedly.

"Rin, are you alright? " You asked while holding onto his other arm.

"Serves you right for not paying attention to your surroundings. " Yukio scolded while climbing up a ladder next to the door. Rin looked over to him.

"Listen up. I'm only going to explain this once. " You three looked over to Yukio as he explained the plan.

"So basically, we're just the break men on this one. " Rin complained. Yukio then said,

"If I can't exorcise the train, all three of us will be on a one way trip to Gehenna. If something happens to me or I fail, I want you to push the red button to separate the trolley from the train. "

"Hit the break and leave the area as fast as you can. " Yukio said. You looked up at him worriedly.

"Alright but what are you gonna do? " Rin asked while glaring at him.

"Don't worry about me Rin. Just focus on the mission, okay? " Yukio said as he started leaving.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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