Chapter 11: Lost

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"They're scratchy. " The boy complained as he tugged on his clothes.

"Ms. Kamaki picked these clothes out herself. " Shiemi said as she smiled at the boy.

"He looks so cute! " You smiled softly while holding Rin's hand. After you all had taken a bath, you wore more comfortable and appropriate clothing for the season.

"They're pretty sweet. Thanks a lot for picking them up. " Rin said while looking at the two girls.

"I didn't have a lot of time, so I just blew through the store and grabbed whatever. " Kamaki said while looking at the demon child. The said blonde then flipped her skirt up, making the three boys in the back blush and stare. Kamaki screamed and glared at the boys while covering herself. Rin grabbed the child by the ear, pulling him away from her. The child struggled and whined as Rin did this, meanwhile you scolded the boy for doing that to your classmate.

"Hey isn't it almost time for assembly? " Bon said while looking away.

"Oh yeah it is, isn't it." Konekomaru said with a slight blush. You all then went to the entrance of the dorm.

"Sorry we gotta bail man. But that bath took up our whole break. " Bon said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Thanks, I know how slammed you are. " Rin said while looking at the three guys.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if we troubled you." You said with an apologetic smile.

"No prob, we got your back. " Bon said while looking at you two. As you were all conversing, the child began to wonder off. He chased a balloon that another child was running with. As you, Rin and Shiemi began to walk back into the door, she then said,

"Uh oh. Where did he go? " Shiemi said while looking around. You and Rin panicked as you both dashed out the door.

"Gahh! Holy crap! Where the hell is he!?" Rin exclaimed.

"We gotta look for him! " You exclaimed worriedly. Rin quickly nodded as he grabbed your hand and ran.

*Meanwhile *

The demon child had gotten closer to the balloon, as he then leaned on a railing. He saw a group of children talking loudly down below.

"Awww come on! Did you forget it again? " One boy exclaimed.

"I didn't forget it, I just don't remember! " Another boy complained. Another boy looked up at the demon child, as a beeping noise was heard. The child looked over to where the sound came from as he then saw a car about to hit him. He quickly got out of the way. Another vehicle then came as he got out of the way again. He looked at them curiously as he sighed. He then noticed that he was lost. He began walking around as he passed a store with televisions in the windows, he looked at them for a minute as he went back to running. He continued looking around for anything familiar, as he grew more worried.

*Back To You *

You and Rin continued your search for the demon child as you ran into Kuro.

"Kuro!" Rin exclaimed.

"Rin? (Y/N)? " Kuro replied.

"Kuro! We need to ask you something! " You said breathlessly.

"Kid with weird hair, did you see him come by this-" Rin stopped mid-sentence as you both noticed the child sitting on debris from an old building. The demon cat hopped off the ledge he was sitting on as he made his way towards the demon child. The child seemed upset as he sat with his knees to his chest.

"What the... " Rin muttered. Kuro climbed onto the ledge the child was on, scaring him. As he transformed into his bigger form.

"I've captured him Rin! " The cat said proudly as he stood on top of the boy. The demon child began to struggle once more. You both then took him home. Rin then opened the door of the cage.

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