11. Fake Love

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"Jungkookie please tell me why you're here? What happened to appa? Why are you crying?"

"Hyung! Appa and mommy died" Jungkook sobs again and Yoongi feels like someone stabbed him. He didn't feel anything the day he found out his father died and he doesn't even remember when his mom died, he was too young but hearing that the people who loved him and treaded him like family are gone makes him feel extremely empty.

"Kookie that's not possible" Yoongi says as he tries to contain his tears and Jungkook continues sobbing in his arms.

Yoongi pulls Jungkook towards the sofa in his living room and they sit down but Yoongi doesn't let go, he continues to hug the crying boy.

"Yes... it... it is hyung, I saw their bodies... I was there as they lowered their cas- caskets" Jungkook breaks thru another sobs and Yoongi pulls him closer to him.

"Where's Aid?" Yoongi ask him

"I left her... I'm sorry hyung... I'm ... im such a bad brother... I ... I -I didn't even tell her I was leaving" Yoongi is speechless Aid and Jungkook have always been so close. He can't imagine what Aid is going thru, she's probably going crazy looking for her brother.

Yoongi wipes his tears. He can't be weak, he has to be a rock for Jungkook, Has to be there 100% if the boy came all the way over here to seek comfort.

"Why would you do that kookie? Why would you leave your sister alone during this hard time?" Yoongi sighs while he softly runs his fingers thru kookie's hair

"I'm nothing to her hyung, now that appa and mom are gone she doesn't have to pretend. I'm an adult no longer her burden"

"Kookie are you crazy!? She loves you to the moon and back she must be so worried about you, you're the only person she has left Kookie you guys should be there for each other"

"I ... I can't! I can't face her hyung. Please promise me you won't tell her I'm here" Jungkook holds tightly to Yoongi's shirt as he pleads for the boy to not spill.

"You know I can't promise you that. I have to tell her you're here, she would never forgive me Kookie"

"Please hyung! Please!" Yoongi just holds Jungkook while he cries one more time

"I'm so sorry bunny, I'm sorry you lost your parents and I'm sorry that you feel so confused right now" Yoongi whispers as he pecks Jungkook's hair.

"Appa hyung" Jungkook continues to sob.

Yoongi knows how much Jungkook loves his parents. He knows how much Kookie viewed his dad like a super hero. He was Jungkook's greatest role model.

"I'm sorry my bunny, I wish I could take your pain" Yoongi pats kookies hair and runs a hand up and down his back

"I'm sorry I didn't call , I'm sorry you couldn't come say goodbye" Jungkook hiccups while he tries to apologise to Yoongi

"It wasn't my place" Yoongi whispers

"Yes it was!" Jungkook whisper yells and looks a Yoongi in the eyes for the first time.

"Mom and dad loved you like their own, they couldn't wait until you married Aid so you could officially be family. Mom left me her wedding ring for when I find the one and dad he left his wedding band for you hyung!" Jungkook cries again and he tries to wipe his tears

"What do you mean for me?" Yoongi asks as he feels his heart being squeezed

"Uncle Ilhan read their last will, after graduation they updated it, dad wrote that he left his most prized possession his wedding band for the day his daughter Aid married Min Yoongi, he wanted you to have it! He wanted you to wear it proudly, mom said the same thing about her wedding band but she didn't leave a specific name but dad he named you hyung"

Yoongi feels speechless and he remembers his last conversation with Jeff, he remembers how Jeff told him he wanted Yoongi to marry Aid, how he wanted his daughter to be loved by Yoongi. How he claimed he knew Yoongi and Aid belonged together. How much Jeff wanted Yoongi to be part of his family and remembers the many times he told Kookie "be nice to your brother, he's part of this family" and how he always referred to Yoongi as his son and how he would constantly would tell Aid not to tease her future husband because Yoongi wouldn't want to marry her anymore.

Yoongi feels like braking down but he knows he can't do that while Kookie is crying in his arms.

"You have to be there for her hyung, I can't face her but she needs someone to be her support" Jungkook sobs once again and Yoongi can't help but cry along with him this time

"We're both going to be there for her, we are both going to protect her" Yoongi tells Jungkook while looking into the youngers eyes.

He leads Jungkook to his bedroom and Jungkook stays silent as he looks round. Yoongi picked out everything he loves. It was perfect to the light grey color walls to the dark grey curtains and the grey and red comforter. He sees the musical instruments on a corner and a tear slips down his cheek.

"I have my very own room in your apartment?" He ask

"Of course you do" Yoongi pulls Jungkook towards the bed

Jungkook takes off his shoes and jacket along with his hat and lays down covering all his body with the comforter

Yoongi joins him on the bed and pulls him into another hug. He drops kisses on the younger's hair and whispers

"Take a nap, you need to rest, I'll be right here, I'm not going anywhere"

He doesn't know how long he's been holding Jungkook and just knows he's finally able to breath properly now that the boy is softly snoring.

He reaches into his pocket for his phone until he remembers he left it in his office before he came up to his apartment.

He slowly untangles himself from the sleeping bunny and heads toward his front door. He needs to call Aid, maybe he can convince her not to come until Kookie is ready but he has to tell her he's okay. He has to let her know how sorry he is for not being there for her.

Yoongi wipes the tears he didn't know where steaming down his face when he gets in the elevator. He goes straight to his office and picks up his phone. Before looking for her contact he reads the last text message he received only 10 minutes ago

|| we've been waiting for you for more than two hours the food is cold but we don't want to eat without you. Tae said you have a visitor we don't want to disturbe you, we will wait, let us know when your ready to come down. The boys are worried. -Jin. ||

Yoongi sighs and decides to go down and let the boys know to eat without him and maybe get some food to save for Jungkook once he gets up.

The elevator door open to the lobby and he sees that Jin'a eyes are wide and Tae just looks utterly confused. Namjoon is standing extremely straight but Yoongi can't see his face just his back. While looking beyond Namjoon, Yoongi's heart starts to beat a little faster

"Aid?" He asks as he makes eye contact with the girl

"Gummy bear!" Aid yells and runs straight into Yoongi's open arms.

Yoongi holds her as tight as possible while kissing her hair.

-–—• -–—•

Not edited
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Fighting 💪🏼💜

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