5. Graduation

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When Aid finally graduated high school at 17 she got the car she wanted, a year later when Jungkook graduated at 16 he was given a motorcycle as his graduation gift Jungkook was over the moon his mom and his sister on the other hand where angry. In the end he only had the bike for an hour and a half before it was decided it would be sent back and he would be able to choose his own car.

Jungkook didn't have friends and the only person he ever went out with was his sister so he decided on a 2 door Audi instead of the the four door Range Rover his sister had.

Now Aid is ready to walk the stage at her college graduation at just 20 years old. She would've graduated last year but with a little snaking and scheming with her uncle she had a surprise up her sleeve.

Everyone knew Jungkook was gonna follow in his fathers and uncles footsteps and become a lawyer and take over the firm someday. Grace was happy about that but she was extremely heartbroken when her daughter decided to also become a lawyer. She was devastated that neither of her children wanted to become accountants the way she was.

As Aid's name is being called from the strange , Grace becomes frozen to what she's hearing.

"Aid Becker part of our honor students with a double major, the first being Law and second Finance and Accounting and a minor in Korean Studies"

Ilhan stands proudly to yell "that's my princess" at the top of his lungs.
While Jeff tries to clap for his daughter but the flowers he's holding are making it a bit difficult. Grace is bouncing up and down with tears on her face that her baby actually majored in accounting and not just law. Jungkook doesn't know what to do with himself, he's always known his sister loves him but he feels as that diploma proudly states it on paper.

An apartment is Aid's graduation gift this time and Jungkook feels like he's suffocating because he can't live out his sister and he doesn't want her to move out.

"I'm going to put it up for rent and save the money I'll get from the tenants. Thank you , I really do appreciate the gift but I can't leave my bunny"

The adults can't believe that after all this time Aid and Jungkook still can't leave each others side. Just like true siblings, blood didn't matter between them.

Aid starts working at her dads firm almost immediately and he cant stand the fact the she rarely see Jungkook. Once he gets home for dinner he's either still studying or already asleep. On the weekends he's always at Karate or dance rehearsal or voice lessons or piano/ guitar or singing lessons and more recently boxing he spends every minute he has free in that gym.

Never has aid felt so distant from her bunny. So she convinces her dad and uncle that she needs an assistant and that Jungkook is the perfect candidate. Jeff and Ilhan can't help but agree. Jungkook will be an intern so he wouldn't impact their budget and it'd be like training him for when he joins the company in a few months once he has graduated.

Those months pass by in a blink of an eye. And suddenly they are at his graduation at 19 years old Jungkook feels over the moon at being the youngest in his class to graduate.

"Jeon J. Becker honor student graduating with a double major in Law and Music theory composition with a minor in Sound Engineering"

The Becker family jumps and claps for Jungkook and Aid and Grace wipe each others tears.

Jungkook waits patiently in his seat for his only friends name to be announced. After Aid did a double major and even a minor Jungkook decided that he should also do a double major. Since music has always been his passion he decides to do his second major in something to do with music.

He never thought that adding a major to his career would give him is first and only friend well other than his sister.

"Yoongi Min honor student and class valedictorian with a double major in Sound Engineering and Music Theory and composition with a double minor in business administration and business marketing"

Jungkook jumps from his seat along with the Becker family and scream Yoongi's name. The know the boys parents wouldn't be there for he young man. Three months before graduation Yoongi received the call that his father had passed away. The Becker's knew Yoongi was never close to his father and that his mother had passed away when he was young.

They tried their hardest to comfort yoongi and be there for him no matter how many times he states that he wasn't at all hurt. Yoongi was heading back to Korea after the graduation ceremony. He was putting the his fathers very wealthy business up for sale and selling his fathers mansion along with other assets up for sale. He didn't want anything that would remind him of that man.

The Becker's didn't want to let off of yoongi after their Graduation dinner the whole family gathered at Aid apartment that she gladly let Yoongi stay in rent free.

"You don't need to take me to the airport, I'll be fine" yoongi stayed as each family member had some sort of luggage of his.

"We know we don't need to but we want to" Jeff had grown so fond of Yoongi and he would always be grateful to him for taking his Kookie out of his shell

"We want to be with you until the last second" Grace stated as she cupped Yoongi's face

" Come on Gummy bear this is the last time we will see you in a while just let us be with you" Aid told Yoongi as she held his hand.

Never in a million years did yoongi imagine he'd feel such at home with this family while being thousands of miles away from his own home.

"Okay okay you can call come to the airport with me" Yoongi finally gave in

"Thank you yoongi" Jungkook said toward him and flashed his bunny smile

"It's Hyung to you how many times do I have to tell you jungkookie"

"Sorry Hyung"

The all head to the airport and stay until they watch Yoongi disappear behind the doors. Jungkook, Grace and Aid can't help but she's a few tears as Jeff and Ilhan try to comfort them.

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Not edited
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