7. Settleling 2.0

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The following dialogue is in Korean
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The 3 Kim brothers arrive 10 minutes earlier all due to Joon nervousness. He hasn't seen Yoongi in four years. Yoongi left to America to go to college after he, Hoseok and Jin graduated and they never heard from the boy again.

Until yesterday Joon had been completely oblivious to his friends and his brothers feelings towards each other. Now that he thinks back to it he remembers coming home from college clases to find Jimin consoling his youngest brother. He noticed how much weight Tae lost but he just thought Tae was going thru a breakup probably from that Jackson guy but apparently it was because Yoongi didn't even say bye to him nor was he texting Tae back.

Tae was completely heart broken and Joon didn't even notice, he must be a very shitty brother.

Jimin is next to arrive, he had dance rehearsal a couple minutes from the cafe and the four of them where waiting on Hobi and Yoongi.

"How are you doing Tae?" Jimin asks as soon as he sits down.

"I'm nervous Minnie! I'm going to see the love of my life in couple minutes and I haven't heard from him or seen him in four years!! I think I'm gonna die!" Taehyung responds while dramatically placing his whole chest on the table.

"Don't be so dramatic Tae! Weren't you sucking face with Bogum like two days ago?" Jin questions his little brother with a meaningless glare

"Exactly two days ago Hyung, that was before I knew Yoongi was back in Korea! I honestly feared he would never come back to me!"

"Everyone shut up, Hobi and Yoongi are outside" Joon whisper yells as the rest of the boys look out the window.

Taehyung's breath gets caught is his throat and he feels like he might choke. Yoongi looks good, better than good. He looks like a man now, not like the teenager Taehyung remembers.

"Boys! I've miss you all, well most of you actually" Yoongi says as soon as he is in front  of the table giving Taehyung a slight glare.

"I didn't miss you at all you mid-"
"Anyways!!" Join interrupts  before Taehyung says anything that will make yoongi walk out of the cafe

"Sit down yoongi, tell us all about America" Jin tells him and flashes a smile that makes Yoongi recall all the great memories he's shared with the boys.

"It was good, met good people and graduated top of my class"

"Wow yoongi that sounds great" jimin beams at the boy.

"I'm actually opening up my own record company. I actually wanted to talk to you Joon, I'd love for you to come work for me once the place is up and running!" Yoongi looks at his second best friend, he feels kinda bad that Joon has been replaced as his best friend.

"Like an actual paid job?" Joon asks a little dumbfounded

"Yes joon, I know how great of a lyricist you are, is that what you're studying?" Yoongi asks hopeful that Joon has kept up with music

"Yes. Composition and literature is what i graduated in so I'm all in for the job! Thank you yoongi" Namjoon feels so relived, he hopes to start as soon as possible. The sooner he starts working the sooner he can save up for his trip to America

"Can I have a job yoongi?" Seokjin is the one to ask

"Sure send me your resume" Yoongi jokes

"I'm being serious yoongi. I just graduated with a major in Film and acting so I haven't got my big break"

"Would being my assistant interest you?" Yoongi is actually super happy to have people he trust to be with him while he builds his company so he wouldn't mind hiring all his friends.

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