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kyles pov

goddamnit, why. why do i have to like stan. he doesn't like me, he was with wendy yesterday. fuck my stupid, sensitive, brainless brain!

i get up, it finally hits sunday. the day where everyone dreads on doing anything and being lazy. i throw on a grey shirt and green sweatpants. generic, i thought.

i go on my phone and go through social media, instagram has always been my go to place to just scroll through all my friends and favourite celebrities social media. i look at stans insta story.

"fucking up my life one step at a time" with a heartbreak emoji. god he is emo. but it's stan, with his- dark hair, going into a fringe, dark clothes and his brown leather jacket, the way he makes his face go pale and his eyes so bright-

i groan and put my hands on my face. fuck, fuck, fuck, why. i can't focus on that, him. just him in general. i can't do it. focus on the post. why is he writing that? what's he doing?

stop worrying. he's the one who was an ass to you earlier so you can't do this, you just fucking can't.

i sigh and exit out of instagram, i shut off my phone and sigh. i hope he can come and talk to me soon. i hate being this far away from him but at the same time i hate that he's acting like this.

it's not my stan. the stan i know wouldn't be pushing me away like this, acting like an actual asshole to me, and just being so obsessed with wendy.

i don't even understand it. it's making me feel so nauseous. it's like our relationship is in jeopardy, a game. like, it's going to end somehow.

i start to overthink, majorly. i don't become productive whatsoever and i just lie there, thinking.

he can't ignore me forever, right?
he WILL talk to me at some point, right?
he still wants to be my friend- right?


i wake up. i must've fell asleep, oh well, i needed it. i get up and actually try and be productive. i call up kenny to see if he wants to hang out.

"hey man, i've been bored for the past few hours and i wanted to see if you want to hang out."

*muffled* "yeah! i'm bored too. meet up now?"

"yeah. i'll meet you down the street."

i hang out the phone and get my green hat and orange jacket on. i get outside, the cold, fresh air fills my lungs as i walk out of my driveway.

i need to get outside more. i see kenny all the way up the street so i jog up to him, but he's not alone-? i jog closer to see- stan? no, i need to walk away.

"kyle, wait, please!" stan says. i stop in my tracks and look behind me, blank expression. also- kenny left? ugh, that bastard.

"can we talk? please? i know it's not what you were expecting but kenny noticed something going on and he wanted me to do this and i'm doing this on my own behalf too!" stan begs, his eyes showing a saddening look. god, i don't want to talk to him because he made me so angry yesterday, yet i want to know what's going on with him.

"fine." i cross my arms and have a blank face. stan puts his hand behind his neck and rubs. "i actually didn't even plan on talking to you. i planned on avoiding you."

my mouth is agape. what? "why would you do that?! i didn't even do anything to you and now you're just so cold to me stan!" i say, feeling my adrenaline rise, my fists clenched.

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