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i immediately saw the anger in stan's eyes. i regret what just came out of my mouth. if only i didn't speak aloud. "did-  those girls do this to you?"  stan is wide eyed, like he's going to go into a rage almost. but i could also see in the glimpse of his eye that he doesn't want to believe it.

i can't hurt him and cause wendy and stan's relationship in general to go downhill or else i'll be hated. it's one of those situations where you have to make yourself shut up just for the sake of yourself being safe.

i let out a sigh, one final tear shedding down my face from the excruciating pain i felt from being beaten. "no, stan. it was just some guys around the school, we got into a fight and then that lead them to beating me up." i had short breath, speaking as slow as i could despite the pain.

stan scoffed, "dont fucking lie to me kyle, i heard what you said and i won't allow you to lie to me about this. this is important!" stan shouted at the end of his sentence. i don't know if i could get away with something like this, is it even possible to come up with a lie so rich and believable?

not to mention i just got beat around by a bunch of girls, i can't let stan know or else he will think i'm so weak. by the thought of it, my eyes started to pour out with more tears. i couldn't hold them back, maybe i regret ever being with stan. maybe if i didn't like him for all these years and moved on, THIS wouldn't of happened.

stan then hugged me softly, "i'm sorry stan, i'm sorry i'm so weak." i finally admit, not openly but there it was, me admitting that i got beaten around. "you aren't weak, you need to trust me on that. you're one of the strongest people i know, standing up for cartman all these years, dealing with my bullshit and everyone else's. at this point you're a strong god!" stan said, holding me and letting out a little laugh.

i chuckle at his tiny speech, tears starting to come to a stop. "stan, that was way over exaggerated. you didn't have t-" my croaked words get cut off with stan's lips against mine. my eyes widen but quickly come to a close. i put my hand on his face wanting to keep our kiss. stan was like a cigarette, i can never get enough.

our lips come apart after a few minutes, i let out a sigh with a smile plastered on my face. "listen to me, kyle. if there's anything i'm going to do for you, i'm going to do it. it just proves on how much i l-" stan's words cut off. all of a sudden stuttering on what to say. what was he going to say?

"sta-" "like you. sorry i lost my train of thought" stan smiled, something was off but his words were so sweet. sweeter than candy itself. his words alone made my pain go away almost, i still felt it but it's like his words healed it. stan being here made the pain go away, i let out a blush.

i then remember what situation i was in, despite stan and i having our little moment. i know stan likes me, but what if he doesn't believe what wendy "did" to me-

flashback to 40 minutes earlier

i decided to head to the bathroom, i took a look back and stan is walking with wendy. i sigh, maybe he didn't even really like me. now i know why i'm going to the bathroom, i walk over to the mirror and feel myself welling up with tears. god why must i feel this way, especially about a boy who may not even like me truly.

i then see the door open, i quickly wipe away my welled up tears only to realize it's heidi with her little group of girls. "why the fuck are you even in here?? this is a boys bathroom!" i said, loudly hoping someone would come in and kick them out.

"we are here because you're about to get your punishment dear kyley~" heidi said in a friendly yet creepy voice. my fists are clenched, "fuck off, i don't want to deal with you right now."  "sorry but you have no choice since you decided to fuck around with stan, wendy is getting her justice by sending us to deal with you." heidi spat back, she then got one of her friends to grab out a purple duffel bag with the symbols W-T.

i gulp and stand back just in case. i then see a steel bat being pulled out, my eyes widen as i see all of them pulling out a steel bat. i was too distracted to see them with all the bats that heidi took a swung at me, causing me to fall backwards bashing my head against the sink.

"FUCK!" the girls snicker at me in pain and take turns bashing me in the face, my stomach, legs and shoulders. I felt like someone killed me, it feels like all my teeth got pulled out and i was just in an intense boxing match. after 15 minutes of them hitting me harshly with the steel bats, they spat on me and walk away.

i lie on the cold steel floor, i then let out a sob. i cant believe this is what i get for liking stan, i regret seeing him. i regret it all so much, yet i am still in love with him. i hate myself, i hate myself, i hate myself.

i try my best to get up trying to stop crying. it took me a few minutes to even remotely stand up, i wipe the access spit and blood off of myself and head to the door—

- resume -

"kyle, please i need to know w-" "would you believe me if i said wendy sent heidi and her group of girls after me and then beat me till i almost couldn't move all because of you?" i said not even catching my breath for my words. stan widened his eyes.

"so it..was her?" stan looked down, like he was disappointed yet so angry. fuck i shouldn't of said anything, he's going to hate me. "you don't have to believe me stan.." i say to break the minute of silence, "no, you wouldn't make something as serious as this up. i have to trust you." stan says, upbeat and angered.

"i'll make that bitch pay."

Just Friends? - Stan x Kyle Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora