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After Fuyumi had left, I felt a lot better about a few things and decided that I should text my friends back. I first had to change out of my uniform to something more comfortable. Rummaging around my drawers, I found some clean shorts and a tank top to wear, so I quickly changed into that. I took one of my headbands off the top of my dresser and slid my hair back so I could comfortably see. I'm definitely going to grow my bangs out because I can't ever see what I'm doing. 

Feeling much better, I put my dirty uniform in my hamper and flopped onto my bed, grabbing my phone and scrolling to find my messaging app. There was only a few conversations that were listed, so it was easy to tap on the first one and reply to Mina. She had texted me a few times, asking if I was alright, and even she apologized? My brows knitted together in confusion before I replied saying I was okay, but then asked why she said sorry.

Why would she? I hurt her, she should be totally upset with me. Something's wrong, she's going to yell at me over the phone and unfriend me. She's going to apologize for being my friend and that she made a mistake. Then she'll tell the others to leave me alone and unfriend me too- even Bakugo- and then it'll just be my brother and I, alone again. Like usual.. Why can't I have something that'll last a while..?

While the firestorm of thoughts clouded my brain, another ding filled the silence. It seemed to be perfect timing because my eyes had began to water and I hadn't noticed. This time, however, it was Bakugo, thought it seemed.. off? I had to blink away the blurriness of tears that began to form to see what he had wrote. He had asked what I was up to, but with the use of proper capitalization, something he never does. I also told him that I was okay, but questioned his text.

He began typing back but I went to check back on my message with Mina, which she had not read yet. The notification that slid down from the top of my phone was from the blonde, who seemed to focus on my well-being, from the looks of it. Tapping on the notification, I noticed that he also apologized, for putting me on the spot and embarrassing me in front of my brother. He didn't seem like the sorry type, that was for sure, so it made me wonder why he was. The only 'normal' thing of his was calling me an extra at the end of it.

My cheeks found the familiar warmth of a blush as I recalled the awkward encounter. Somehow, I didn't quite mind it, for whatever reason. I didn't think about addressing it so soon, but I wasn't going to ignore it for a while. He also glossed over my questioning of his capitalization, which seemed a bit in character.

In the moment, I was trying to figure out how to respond when Ashido texting me back, claiming that she was relieved I was feeling alright. She said she was apologizing for making a scene and embarrassing me in front of the class. I set my phone down onto my bed and buried my face into my hands for a moment as the second-hand embarrassment flooded to me from my memories. I'm going to spend a lot of time around these students, and no doubt embarrassing things will happen to each of us, right? If I'm going to grow this year, I'm going to have to get over a lot of shit. So maybe starting now would be a good idea.

Ashido and I continued to text back and forth, accepting each others apologies beforehand. I had asked her if she was upset with me, and didn't want to be friends anymore before she blew up on me and scolding me for thinking that way. It was relieving, in a sense, even if she did 'yell' at me over text. I was glad to see that she didn't intend to leave me hanging, though a sliver of doubt was at the back of my mind. As we continued our talk, I forgot about Bakugo, until he texted me again, asking 'why the hell would you leave me on read u nerd?'

Honestly it felt like someone else was pretending to be Bakugo, so I didn't know what to believe. Opening the message again, I read his paragraph over and over before taking a screenshot. I told him I was going to need a bit to think about what I want to say and left it at that, not seeing the issue behind it. I ended up sending the picture to Mina and asking what was his problem, since he confused me. She didn't know what was up with him either and decided to text him herself, though I felt as if something was going to go wrong for that.

Shaking off the off feeling, I got up from laying on my stomach, since it was starting to hurt, and took a few deep breaths. Why was being a teenager so difficult? All I wanted to do was learn to be a hero, not deal with boys.

The stuffiness of the air made me open my window and stick my head out, looking at the flowers underneath it. Taking in a deep breath of air, I pulled myself back into my room and took a look around. I figured Mina and Bakugo could wait a little bit so I left my room to head into Shoto's nice and cool one.

I knocked on his door and heard him shuffle to his door and opened it, his expression brightening a bit. He stepped aside and put his phone in the pocket of his sweats.

"Did you want something?" He asked coolly.

"Just to relax a bit. My room's unusually stuffy today." I shrugged and planted myself onto his bed. My head was spinning slightly and I didn't even realize it until I was cooling down in his room. Goosebumps rose on my arm as I felt the cool air mixing with my heat. It always felt nice to be around him, mentally and physically.

"Hm, I wonder why," he spoke sarcastically and smiled at me, sitting next to me and elbowing me gently. I sighed and elbowed him back.

"Ashido and I apologized to each other, Bakugo said sorry to me but it looks weird. Let me show you." I told him with a quirked brow and pulled out my phone, the multiple messages from my friends awaiting my answer. Since I didn't want to open Bakugo's message yet, I opened my gallery to show him the screenshot.

"That doesn't look like he said that at all, besides calling you an extra." Once Shoto was finished reading, he hummed thoughtfully and shrugged.

"I even asked him about it and he ignored my question so I don't know, but I asked Mina and it looks like she asked him herself so I'll just text them later. I need a break right now, I just wanted to be around my favorite." I nudged his arm again and smiled at him.

"I just can't wait to move out of here and be able to be me. Maybe even have some friends over instead of worrying about how hot my room is." I rubbed my face again.

"Well hopefully it won't get too warm since you'll be around two people with ice quirks now." His arm went around my shoulder and I could feel the temperatures mixing together.

"Hopefully.. I should reply to them soon but I'm tired."

"Go draw something, I'm sure that'll take your mind off things, hm?" He squeezed my shoulder gently and I nodded, standing up from his bed and stretched.

"Alright yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] The Fire of my ChildhoodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz