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After she had finished her turn for the battle training, Mina had taken my hand and assured Shoto that she would 'take care of me' for the rest of it. I assumed she meant to protect me from the two boys since she wouldn't let them near me, for some reason. I didn't complain though, I had to work things out in my head to confirm or deny what was I feeling at the time.

So when it was time for the training to finish, Mina led me to the front of the group so if Bakugo were to try something, everyone would see, unlike if we were walking in the back. Her grip on my hand was tight but in a comforting way, I guess. I haven't really held hands with anyone else besides Shoto, so my cheeks flushed a faint red. It caught my pink friend's attention because she turned me and giggled.

"Are you okay? Haven't you held someone's hand before?" Her lips turned into a smug grin and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"U-uh, no. Besides m-my brother, of course." I laughed nervously and she yelped, pulling her hand away. I jumped back slightly and she was blowing on her hand that I was previously holding.

"Are you okay?! D-did I burn you, or something?" I felt awful in that moment, especially since the others around us noticed as well and commented quietly.

"Yeah, but I'm fine! See?" Mina's eyes held tears that threatened to fall when she lifted her red hand to me. I winced and curled my hands into fists. Steam rose from them.

"Hey Shoto, can you come ice this please?" She held a nervous grin and turned towards my brother who was a few feet behind us.

"No! Don't.. do that," I didn't mean to yell, but just remembering what had happened to my face.. I didn't want it to happen to Mina, "you're not s-supposed to p-put ice.. On a burn.. It'll j-just make it worse." I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I only felt on that day. My chest was buzzing and my throat felt like it was clogging up.

All Might had heard our commotion and paused in the middle of the street to turn to us. When he noticed what was going on he rushed over and examined Mina's hand for a moment, told her she was allowed to head to the nurse's office when we returned, then turned around to come over to me to placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Todoroki, are you feeling alright? You can head to the nurse's office with Ashido as well, if you'd like." His voice was surprisingly calming to me, which helped me ground myself. I nodded and felt a cold hand on my forearm. Shoto came into view, his brotherly instinct must've kicked in when I stopped talking.

"I can help her from here, sensei." Hearing others talk was one of the things that helped me ground myself the fastest when I feel I'm going to have an attack. It's pretty easy to focus on what someone is saying if they're close to me, so Shoto's voice really helped me with staying calm.

The males nodded to each other and All Might left us to direct the rest of the students back to class. Shoto sighed heavily and gently rubbed my arm, spreading the coolness slightly. He counted backwards from ten quietly, and in the background I could hear All Might talking to the students.

I managed to calm down with Shoto's help and decided to steer away from Mina since I didn't want to hurt her further. Shoto and I walked in silence far behind the rest of the class, eager to end the school day. I didn't keep my head up much, but when I did glance up, sometimes Mina or Bakugo would look back at us. I can't tell what their expressions are but something tells me they're not in the best moods either. 

You always mess things up! This is why you never have any friends, you fucking idiot. All you do is drive people away because you're stupid!

I sighed heavily and rubbed my turquoise eyes, trying to rub the thoughts away, I guess. 

"Having a rough time?" My brother said to me. I could only nod at first since I wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. I felt steam come off me from embarrassment, but also the cold air he was pushing towards me. Contemplating what to say to Mina when I see her again, I folded my hands together and continued walking to the building in silence with my brother trailing besides me.


I apologized to my friend when she came back from the nurse's office and she assured me that it was alright, and that she understood why I did what I did. I isolated myself from the class when others tried to talk to me, like Bakugo and Kirishima.

I sat in my father's car in silence, like usual, and watched the familiar route go by. Buzzing in my pocket tore my attention away from the window to see multiple texts from my various friends about how I was feeling. Sighing softly, I put my phone on silent and put it back in my school jacket.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody at the moment and my brother could tell. I think he was going to let them know how I was feeling himself, because he pulled out his phone and began texting, up until we made it home. I slid out of the car and grudged my way up the steps, into the house, and towards my room where I could feel at peace for the first time that day.

My red hair fell in front of my face as I was sliding my socks off my feet. I threw them in the hamper and began to take off my jacket when I heard a knock at my door. I took a deep breath in and out before walking over and opening my door to see Fuyumi.

"Hey babygirl, how are you? Shoto told me what happened today and I just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay." She gave me a soft smile and I couldn't help but smile in return. Stepping away to let her in, I took another deep breath and nodded slow. I watched her walk over to my bed and sit down but I stayed near my door after I closed it.

"A lot happened today and I'm still confused about it all. My two friends asked me which one I l-liked and then I burned my other friends hand on accident because she made fun of me for it." I pushed hair away from my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. Warmth returned to my cheeks a bit and I looked over to see my sister nodding and thinking to herself.

"Well. I'm sure she'll forgive you if you explained to her. Also what boys asked you that? Because I can freeze them for you if you want." Her eyebrow was raised but she had a playful look on her face.

"Bakugo and Kirishima.. But you don't need to do that, I'm pretty sure Shoto already spoke to them about something like that. I just don't know why it matters so much to them." I shrugged and fiddled with my tie before taking it off and setting it down near me. My hands then smoothed my skirt down.

"Hm.. Well, I also came to say that apparently.. We can move in to the apartment in about two weeks instead of five now. I hope that can help your mood." My sister smiled at me and got up to hold her cool hands in my warm ones.

"That does help a lot.. But does dad even know?" I lowered my voice in case he was somehow listening, and she shook her head.

"He doesn't need to. Natsuo and I agreed to say that we have one of you, but we won't let dad come visit. He won't be near you guys, and you won't have to worry about him anymore, okay? So just breathe, and relax. I'll talk to you later, okay?" Her right hand lifted to gently hold my cheek, and run her thumb over my skin. Leaning forward, Fuyumi gave me a kiss on my forehead and small hug. I smiled at her and watched her leave my room, along with the cool air that surrounded her.

[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] The Fire of my ChildhoodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant