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Walking into the classroom behind Aizawa was sort of frightening, as everyone's eyes were on me for the umpteenth time. Shoto seemed the most worried because his eyes were wide and following me so I nodded to him to get him to relax. I averted my eyes from him and looked over at Bakugo, his expression was confusing; was he tense? Worried? Anxious? I couldn't tell.

I set my backpack down and sigh quietly. 

"Well? Are you alright?" His question was laced with worry as he asked rather quickly.

"Yes I'm fine. Recovery Girl removed the wound, I'm fine. It just left a gnarly scar." I replied coolly. I wrapped my arms around myself slightly as the pink haired girl, Mina, came up to us.

"Are you alright, Hono? When you didn't show up with your brother, we got worried." She sheepishly asked in front of Shoto.

"Yah we were all wondering where you were. Since you're like.. Attached at the hip with your bro- Ow!" The blonde boy with a black streak spoke up, Denki I think, and the other boy, Sero, hit him in the head.

I couldn't help but smile a little and feel a warmth come to my cheeks.

So people do care..?

"I-i'm fine.. Thank you.." My voice came out quieter than usual, causing my cheeks to darken. I turned to see the little grape boy rest his chin on my desk, a weird look on his face. 

"Y-yeah Hono, we were all  worried~ Can I get a hug?!" His voice made me shiver. The look he gave me and the way he said it gave me a bad feeling. It felt like when I was being attacked. 

"I-i-" I was cut off by the earphone girl, Jirou.

"Mineta! Leave her alone, you perv! Don't ever listen to what he says." Her last sentence was directed towards me after he had left. I wanted to shrink away but I could only nod. Everyone returned to their respective friends, so I surveyed the room. I heard a loud voice among the noise and turned my attention to Bakugo and Izuku arguing over something.

I raised an eyebrow and heard my brother sigh. As soon as I looked up at him, I could've sworn someone was staring at me. I shrugged it off and listened to my brother.

"Well, at least you're okay. Things could've been a lot worse, but you're healed and we don't need to worry about dad anymore." He sighed again and pushed his pale hair out of his face. I nodded in agreement and turned my attention back to Bakugo and Izuku, who seemed confused.

The ash blonde boy stood up, presumably leaving his conversation, and headed over to me. I took a deep breath because I was unsure what he was going to do or say to me this time. He placed his palms on my desk and leaned over it.

"Are you alright?" He whispered some-what hoarsely. I felt the heat on my cheeks grow immensely as I nodded.

"Y-yeah. Recovery Girl h-healed my cut but I have a-a s-scar now." I gulped as he stared at me with his crimson eyes, wondering what he was searching for. He paused for a moment before deciding to head back to his desk, just as Aizawa got up from the floor and sighed heavily. 

"Today you will be designing your hero costumes. Please take these factors into consideration: mobility, defense, offense, aid, and appearance. I will hand out a piece of paper to each of you that have bases for you to use." He droned on about the mini project, but I smiled. 

I've designed a few possible hero outfits for my brother and I, but the latest design (basically a blue jumpsuit with a vest and belt) was my favorite. It was simple and easy to manage.

I pulled out a pencil and began recreating what I had in my sketchbook at home. I glanced over at my brother who was watching me draw.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean? I'm going to finish mine then start on yours." I simply stated and went back to work. It wasn't hard to remember since I loved drawing it over and over. The bases had two basic outlines for the front and back of the outfits.

Humming softly, I could hear others ask for opinions on their outfits or talk about the functionality of certain parts. I finished sketching the front and back and quickly moved on to explain the utility belt, combat vest, temperature regulation devices, and wrist guards. 

I made small images of the special utilities and wrote descriptions next to them. The regulation devices were self explanatory; it was to sense the rise or decrease in temperature, so the vest could regulate it and keep us comfortable. The utility belt has containers and compartments that have water, bandages, and other various medical aid stored within them. The wrist guards are to prevent the extreme temperatures to travel up the length of our arms and bodies. 

Once I written the descriptions on both papers, I proceeded to sketch the same thing I drew, onto Shoto's paper. It didn't take as long as it did for the first drawings and it was much cleaner. 

Shoto was one of the last few to hand in outfit requests since I did two, and took my time. I sighed and pushed my bangs out of my face. Can't wait to grow them out.


The rest of the day was a blur, honestly. Aizawa had came to talk to my brother and I about Bakugo, I forgot what I said about him but sensei seemed surprised.

A few girls came up to me about my hero outfit at lunch. I ended up sitting with Momo and Jirou a few tables away from Shoto. I was nervous and shy at first, but they were kind and understanding. 

I don't remember much of the end of the day except for the fact that Bakugo came to talk to me again about how I was feeling. 

The car ride home was silent, per usual. My father wasn't very open to us as we grew, so we turned out the same. I'm glad we don't talk much. I have so much anger I could throw onto him, I don't know what I'd do. I'd much rather be at UA than here.

This school has been a better home than home has ever been.


A/N: I've been in a bit of a writers block for a couple weeks now, so I'm sorry if my content has degraded a bit :( I hope you guys understand!

But on a lighter note:

1.2k reads?!?! Thank you all so much! This means the world to me <3

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