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It was Friday, which meant that I was home for two days with nothing to do and no one to talk to. I guess it was better than having to do errands with dad, like when we were younger, but it's still boring nonetheless. I usually just bug Shoto but lately.. I've been feeling too much of a burden. 

What if you texted Bak-

"No, I don't even know him like that," I groaned softly to myself and rubbed my forehead. Maybe Shoto will suggest something to get us out of the house for a while. 

Ding. Groan.

Confused, I raised an eyebrow and got up from my bed to ask my brother what I should do

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Confused, I raised an eyebrow and got up from my bed to ask my brother what I should do. 

I've never been to someone else's house before.. Much less with other people.. Some of us? Did he mean Denki and Sero? I should really ask dad first but honestly he wouldn't care what I did. I should talk to mom soon-

My thoughts were interrupted by my brother opening his door and staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you need?" He stepped away from the door and let me in, then closed it behind me. 

"Bakguo asked me if we wanted to go to Mina's house, that pink girl. He said 'some of us' and that she wanted to invite me but didn't have my number. He said you can come too but I don't know what to do." I rambled on and went through my phone to show him the text message as I spoke.

He took my phone from me and read the messages the boy sent me, I bit my lip nervously. His expression twitched slightly but that was the most emotion he presented during that time.

"Do you want to? He says if you want to but I don't see how that can be an issue. This is a chance for you to make new friends and become open. I'll go if you want me to but it's your choice, I'm just saying this will probably be a positive experience for you." He replied to me and gave me phone back.

"I-i want to, but I'm just.."

"Nervous." He finished, matter-of-factly. I nodded embarrassingly and sighed quietly.

"I'll go with you, I want you to be happy." He gently placed his cool hands on my shoulders and I shivered slightly. I sighed again and dipped my head, muttering a reply.

"Was that a yes I heard?" I looked up at him to see a small smirk on his face.

"Y-yes.." I squeaked and he laughed.

"Well let him know we'll be going. I'll ask him what time and the address." My brother pulled out his phone and pushed me out of his room playfully. I scoffed at him and stood up straight.

"Should you ask dad? I mean I don't want him to get mad at me for leaving again-"

"Hono, we'll tell Fuyumi. She'll handle it." Shoto assured me and closed his door softly in front of me. I exhaled deeply and shuffled back to my room, texting the boy back.


5:37 pm.

I stepped out of our sister's car and shut the door behind me, a deep breath escaping my lips. The light drizzle of rain satisfied my mood a bit. My sister rolled down her window.

"Let me know when you want to get picked up! Hono, call me if anything happens, okay? I love you guys, be safe." We turned to thank her and waved her off, then turned towards the path again. 

I took a deep breath and reached my trembling hand to my brothers, his cool touch calming my nerves. 

"You'll be fine, I promise. I'll introduce to her parents, okay?" My brother looked at me with slight worry, but all I could do was nod. My black sneakers stepped softly onto the rock path, up towards their front door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

I heard a female laugh coming inside and that somewhat-familiar popping

Bakugo, I though, and I swear I smiled a little. I was distracted as the girl opened the door, a large smile on her face.

"Hono! Shoto! You guys made it! C'mon in! Shoes here, coats here." Mina shut the door behind us and excitedly squealed. 

Two heads popped out from around the corner, the bright yellow hair with a streak from Denki, the black head of hair from Sero, and the spiky red up-do of Kirishima were the 'others', Bakugo was talking about. My cheeks rose in a different kind of warmth and I waved after putting up my rain jacket.

They giggled and disappeared from the corner, only to be heard with loud 'Ow's soon after. I turned to Shoto who only shrugged and was startled when a pare of pink arms were thrown around me.

 "You're so pretty, Hono!" She stood back to gaze at my gray sweater and denim skirt, with dark leggings. My moon necklace has always held a dear place in my heart, as my mother got them for Shoto and I, but he received a sun.

I blushed heavily, thanked her, and shy-d away. Shoto smiled at her.

"Thank you for allowing us into your home, Ashido," he said while bowing. I paused before quickly bowing as well, forgetting my manners.

She laughed and waved us off.

"You don't need to do that silly. C'mon, everyone's in the main room. My parents left so we have the whole house to ourselves." She us lead through a hallway and into a large area where Bakugo, Denki, Sero, and Kirishima were wrestling with each other until we stepped in. We stared at them until they quickly got off each other and laughed.

I smiled to myself and folded my hands in front of myself.

"H-hello.." I spoke quietly and pushed the hair away from my face. Shoto greeted them and guided me to sit down near them. Kirishima, Sero and Denki introduced themselves formally and I blushed at the spiky-toothed male. He was such a gentleman, way different than Bakugo. 

"I'm starving!"

"Denki, we ate before we came."

"Yeah so?"

Sero and Denki bickered back and forth and it made me giggle. I didn't have anything since lunch and I could feel my stomach growl in agreement. The boys stared at me, making my cheeks flush heavily and Shoto chuckle.

"Are you hungry, Hono?" Mina asked gently and I nodded slowly.

"B-but it's okay, I-i don't need anything. Water is fine with m-me." I spoke quietly and bunched my skirt into my hands.

"Well we have snacks, don't be afraid to ask." She smiled brightly at me. I nodded again and looked away. I'm always afraid..

"Well I'm going to raid your pantry." Denki stood up and ran into her kitchen, Sero and soon Mina following behind, yelling at the boys.

"I'm gonna make sure they don't break anything. You guys want anything?" Kirishima stood up and glanced around at us. I bit my lip and sighed, before standing up and following the rest behind Kirishima.

"So, I seen Bakugo didn't yell at you yesterday. How'd you get on his good side already?" He spoke up and grinned toothily at me. I fiddled with my hands and murmured.

"I-i don't know. He h-honestly s-scared me at the beginning of the week." I admitted and rubbed my warm forearm, then stepped into the dining area. I watched as Denki hastily went through the cupboards and fridge in hopes to find something that suited him. Sero and Mina were busy making sandwiches together.

"Hey, do you want one?" Sero asked me with a grin and I couldn't help but smile in return. 

"Y-yes please, thank you." 

So this is what having friends is like..?

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