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 When it was our turn for the Fifty meter dash, I accelerated myself by stretching my arms behind me and pushing as much fire through my hands as I could. Shoto used his ice to create a slipstream. He was a bit faster than me, but not by much. I heard whispers of us being together, and some sort of weird incest twin thing. I could've blown up, but my brother placed his cold hand on my warm shoulder.

"Don't listen to them. They don't know about us and it can stay that way." His grip was firm but I understood. I nodded and glanced back to the big group. I narrowed my eyes, which seemed to meet the boy again, which I've learned the name of; Izuku Midoriya.

The Grip Strength test wasn't that hard, but at least I wasn't last. I got about 74 kg, and Shoto received 87 kg. I guess he's learned more with his ice, which makes sense.

The Standing Long Jump was pretty easy since I could keep myself up for long. My brother jumped pretty far too. I'm glad we have our quirks, but I wish it was with different parents.

With the Sustained Sideways Jumps, I did better than my ice twin by far. He's always better than me in most things, but this was the one time in a long time I had a better score than him. He was okay with it, there wasn't much he could do, but as long as we weren't dead last, I didn't mind. I'd like to be in the higher scores, but I know I was holding Shoto back.

I used to wonder if we were one person. Would we be a girl or a boy? What would life be like if we had both quirks in one body? What is we both had fire and ice? Would that be possible? My mind was wandering off into its only little world again, and I started to stare off somewhere. I didn't mind unless the next test was coming up right away.

Next up was the Pitch. Round girl held infinity, which was her quirk, I believe. Shoto and I threw our balls a well-enough length away. But when Midoriya was up, it said only 46 meters. He seems confused, and that's when Aizawa-sensei had his hair raised and his scarf floating around him.

"You erased it..?" Izuku's eyes lit up. "Those goggles! And the scarf! I didn't recognize you at first because of your lack of media exposure, but you're Eraser Head!" He gasped, his hands clasped together.

He sighed, "Yes, you're correct. But you can't seem to fully rein in your quirk, huh? You're unable to use it efficiently. You've crippled yourself already at the entrance exam, would you need one of your classmates to come help you if you were in danger?" He then wrapped up the small boy in his scarf and brought him close.

"You run into issues with the hopes your 'power' will save you, but it won't. It won't help you become a hero." He set down the small boy and handed him the ball again. "Try it again, let's get this over with." Sensei returned his quirk back to him, I could tell by his hair returning to normal and is wraps coming back to his neck.

When the boy threw the ball, the electric glow appeared at the last second, and his finger turned purple. It boosted the ball hundreds of meters, leaving almost everyone in shock. Soon enough it caused the ash blonde guy to stomp over, screaming more profanities at the poor boy. He didn't get far though as Aizawa helped him back with his scarf.

Finally, the apprehension test was over, and a screen popped up showing everyone's scores. Shoto was somewhere in the top, and I was two spots behind him. Sort of irritated, I folded my arms. He patted my back with a small smile. "You'll be fine. I'm sort of surprised you're not farther behind." He grinned as I glared at him, but I couldn't help but smile a little.

There was murmur about the scores since Midoriya was in dead last, despite his attempts. I looked around to find him and spotted his expression. He looked so defeated.

"Oh, about the expulsion? That was a lie." Aizawa shrugged his shoulders calmly. A few people fainted at the relief, while other laughed nervously. I was one of them.

"Of course it'd be a ruse to get us to do our best." A tall female chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. I nodded, instinctively rubbing my arms. Shoto only shrugged and rested his cold hands on my shoulders.

Aizawa went to speak to Midoriya, who was vibrating weirdly. He pulled out a slip and the smaller boy nodded, his face still holding the expression of defeat. He went to speak with the round girl and tall engine guy, which I think their names were Uraraka and Iida. I overheard them speaking of Recovery Girl, so that's possibly where they're going.

"You did it, my sister. I'm very proud." Shoto hugged me softly and I began to feel at peace. 

Until the raging explosive guy started to stomp over.

"Hey! Shitty halves! What's up with you two?! You're fucking weird!" He spoke so loud the entire class heard, even Midoriya who was between the training area and the school building. He froze, and turned around to listen. 

'Everyone was watching us. Why? We weren't important? What kind of answer are they expecting? Did we weird them out? ', my thoughts were raging inside my head. They hurt so much.

"Leave us alone, you're scaring my sister." My brother kept an arm around my shoulder as he stepped up to protect me from the mad man. "We don't have to explain ourselves to you."

I felt panic rise in my stomach; my hands began to burn. Everyone was either watching me or my brother, and I didn't like it at all. My ears and cheeks grew bright red as tears clouded my vision. 'I don't want to be here. I want to go home. Somewhere else but here. Anywhere but here.'

"Who cares? You're like weird incest twins, it's fucking disgusting! You gonna kiss your little sister on the cheek and make sure she feels better?" He threw his hands up as he got close, his eyes narrowing down at me. Shoto removed his arm from behind me and stood in front of me, his arm wrapping around the front side of me now. My body was heating up a lot, I'm surprised I didn't burst into flames.. yet. 

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do; that's what brothers are supposed to do. Leave us alone. Now. We don't want any trouble." I could hear the ice in his voice, the malice as he protected me. I stood up a little straighter as the tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

"We're not like that. You would understand if you were us, but you're not. so back the f-fuck off." My voice was quiet at first, but as I gained more confidence, slowly, I grew louder. I maintained eye-contact with him as he scowled and rolled his eyes. I felt my left arm ignite into flames, the fire matching the growing ones in my eyes.

"What fucking ever. Just stay away from me, you freaks." The explosive character turned and walked away from us, mumbling profanities and calling us names as he left.

Everyone else were still watching, but as I glanced around, they averted eye contact. Most of them. The broccoli headed kid was staring right at me, it caught me off guard. I immediately looked away, my cheeks growing in warmth. Shoto shooed them off and he turned to me, his coolness wearing down. 

"Are you okay? You didn't have to talk to him, you know." He moved the bangs from my eyes as I nodded with a sigh. "I know."

I slid my hand into his elbow as we walked back to class in silence. For the most part, Aizawa-sensei didn't really say anything about the whole ordeal. He just kept muttering something to himself and  making hand gestures slightly. 

'What a great first day of school.'

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