"Is that so..." Law continued and left the man's sight maintaining this smirk.

"Don't drink too much!" Volff yelled from inside the kitchen and after that he just heard the door closing behind him.

He walked towards the window and moved the curtains aside just enough to watch them disappear inside the woods without being noticed.

He turned his body and took a look at the empty room around him.

Then he checked on the clock and it was only 8 at the afternoon.

There were many hours until morning and he sure was feeling loneliness from now.


"Elgaaa-chaaan~~! Would you like another one piece of steak? You haven't eaten much all night!" Shachi offered some more food to Elga but the girl felt her stomach full and decided it was the best option to deny it.

"Nah, Shachi I'm fine."

Bepo was sitting on the ground, grilling a big fish on the fire, clearly excited about the company and the atmosphere.

Penguin stood up to get some more woods for the fire.

"Watch out the branch." Law said while reading his book near the fire.

Penguin heard what the other boy said and understood that it meant for him.

"Ah, hahah yeah right. Thanks Law!" he answered moving his head aside while picking the pieces of wood from the roots of a huge tree, he left them previously the same evening.

Elga stayed stunned by this and looked at the boy enthusiastically.

"Did you use your powers again?!" she questioned him clearly amazed.

Shachi, Penguin and Bepo stopped immediately whatever they were doing and turned their heads to look at the girl shocked.

"Uhm, Law? Does she know?" the white bead asked his friend worried.

"Yeah, she saw me using them and no the guessing was not a part of them... It's common logic, he already hit his head 4 times by now and I'm not in the mood to take care of a traumatic brain injury..." he explained without taking his eyes from his book.

The girl kept silent for a moment thinking whether it was a good idea to ask him more things about his ability or not but finally she decided to make the question.

"Uhm," she started to say and the boy lifted his head to face her as he understood she wanted his attention now.

"How did you gain those powers?" she continued.

"I ate a devil fruit." he answered blankly.

"What is this?"

"It's a strange shaped fruit with weird appearance."

"Eww, why eat that?! It tastes awfully!" she answered him taking a disgusted expression.

Law didn't give this statement attention at first and returned to his study but then realization hit him and looked at her shocked.

"How do you know it tastes bad?!"

"I tried to eat one in the past..." Elga answered blankly.

"EEEEEEHHHHH?!!!!!!" everyone else yelled in unison except Law who just kept staring at her with his eyes widened from the shock.

"Where did you found it?!" Penguin questioned her.

"Uhm, well I stole it from some pirates because it looked quite appetizing and I was hungry." she replied back finding it hard to understand their sudden surprise.

"You ate a devil fruit because you were hungry?!" Penguin repeated the girl's sentence not believing what he just heard

"Idiot! Now you can't swim!" Law scolded her.

"EEEHHHH?!", now was Elga's time to shout at him.

"Tzk, you are hopeless...." the boy answered face palming.

"So, if you ate a devil fruit that means... you've got a power too!" Shachi commented.

"Maybe mine was a fake one... I should have known by now."

"Shachi is right, there is no way you don't have an ability... Maybe you don't know about that yet because you weren't aware of its existence inside your body." Law said thinking of an answer.

"So we just have to awake it somehow right?" Bepo entered the conversation.

"I guess you must push your limits to make it work... At least that's how I activated it."

"Wow... that's a huge change for me..." Elga responded realizing the facts.

"Tell me about it..." Law murmured to himself.

"Don't worry Elga-chan! We will help you find out your ability! I bet it is an awesome one!" Bepo tried to cheer up the girl.

"I wish it is something about being the best doctor all over the world in order to save many lives!" the girl said her thoughts loudly.

"Ugh, this ability belongs to someone else..." Law answered sarcastically.

"To whom?!" Elga asked back disappointed as she really wanted to know the name of the person who stole her idea.

"You don't know him..." the boy replied back placing a smirk on his lips amused by her reaction.

And that's how the party flowed. They talked about different things, they ate all the supplies and drunk a lot of alcohol until they felt dizzy and fell asleep under the light of a thousand stars.


Elga didn't feel like sleeping anymore as thoughts of the previous conversation swirled inside her mind.

She stood up and went to sit near the lake admiring the dark side of the mountain rising in front of her, behind the lake.

Learning that she had powers like the boy was something like living on a strange dream.

This information came so suddenly in her life, thinking that she lived with those powers for so long without noticing their existence.

This feeling reminded her of what she senses when she thinks about the amnesia thing.

There are so many memories of her past inside her brain but yet, an invisible wall stops her from bringing them to her mind.

She grabbed a bottle of beer that stood beside her and drunk a sip without knowing to whom it belonged.

She didn't care at the moment as she was really feeling like she should warm her heart somehow.

Then, she sensed someone else sitting near her.

Elga, didn't need to turn her head to understand that it was Law.

"Stop drinking... In the morning is your first day at work. You must be sober." he said and took the bottle away from her hand.

"Fineee~", the girl answered in a bored tone as she thought he was right and suddenly only by seeing him she wasn't feeling that sense of coldness. After all she was already feeling pretty dizzy and couldn't keep supporting her head with her neck.

She couldn't think really clearly now and just closed her eyes to ease the headache and leaned her head on Law's left shoulder.

The boy looked at her falling asleep on him and observed her features under the moon's light.

He was started to get used to the girl's touch. However, that didn't mean he knew how to react at it too so he just left her rest on his shoulder.

He gave a last glance on her beautiful brown soft hair that were falling on his own neck.

Law could smell a scent of numerous flowers in the spring coming from her hair as the girl buried her face closer to his chest.

Then, he closed his eyes too and rested his back on the tree behind him.

Give and Take (Trafalgar Law X OC) Where stories live. Discover now