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Green is my childhood
The stain on my jeans
Green is the movement of
The wind in the trees

Green is my nightmares,
The vines that surround
The sneaking thieves creeping
Without making a sound

Green is my highest dreams
And my lowest lows.
Green is my blank mind
And all that I know.

Green can be everything
Or nothing at all
Green is my standing up
And the feeling as I fall.


Slytherin and Hufflepuff Poems are so hard and aren't coming easily rn. Instead,


i refuse to conform

to follow your stupid rules

you say that your love is warm,

but the only thing i am, is used.

you say that teens are dumb

then turn to seek my approval

but how can i give it when i am one

that you harm with your removal?

you say that teens will destroy the earth

that we ruined our ripped skinny jeans,

but you were the one to demote my worth,

And teens will soon be kings and queens.

you could pay for school with a part-time job, sure

but today we need at least a few

and many hours, restless night, to procure

enough money for when student loans are due.

you may think that we don't care for life

that we take everything for granted

but it was you who started this strife,

it was you made our worst fears planted.

you destroyed our economy,

not the teens still in school.

you made us hope in astronomy,

hoping our deaths would be soon.

you say that we can't take a joke

yet we laugh at memes and twisted humor,

we will decide were you go when you croak

so don't offend with racist quips, ok boomer?

you say that we're entitled

that we don't care about those that aren't us

yet when you think of gays as rivals

we rally, and you take offense?

we are not the same, you and i,

i refuse to acknowledge your insulting lines

instead of being near you, i'd rather die,

just listen to your pathetic whines.

i've had it, i've had enough of you,

so respect my opinions, or perish

you're just a rude person, out of the blue,

so respect life instead of a dying wish.

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