A Teenage Standing

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I don't know why I try to defend myself
When all I get is a turned ear

Its puzzles me that adults think
We'll bend to their wants and demands

Why on earth do teens get treated
Like kids, but need to act grown up?

Exhibit A:

A teen standing up for what they believe?
Oh, please, that's cute.

Kid, what do you wanna be? A football player?
Get back in the playpen.

Anxiety? What a fake!
Learn to pay taxes or burgers you'll bake.

Let's be honest, Let's be real
Adults don't care how we feel.

They only care about our money
They don't care that we're smart, or funny.

In their eyes we are just toys, and that's why

When you see me,
You think you know me.
But you don't know me,
You see society
The way I'm shaped,
What I believe,
You don't know me.
You know who I pretend to be.
You know who I claim to be
So much so that you
See through

Life Through A Seaglass LensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora