1. teenage dream

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I always wanted a dog, seeing my friends and next door neighbors with cute little dogs makes me so jealous. But I know how my dad felt about animals and his temper can go from 1 to 100 pretty quickly so I dont plan on it ever happening. Grandfather told me that he was never allowed animals because he wasn't ever good with them or nice to them. Many of the animals that were given to him went missing or "accidently" got ran over. I asked once and it turned into an argument between my mother and father which made me realize that it wasn't a good idea to bring it up again.

December 25... I felt like this Christmas was gonna be better than any other but I didn't know why, maybe because of the turkey mother was stuffing in the kitchen, or the presents that had my name written all over them. Not many like last year but I know father hasn't been working much lately, when I was done with what was under the tree with a few here and there for mother and father, father told me that he had to show me something. There, waiting with his tail wiggling at the front door was a German Shepherd as cute as could be. "It's all yours darling, and don't run over him..." he smiled and I forced a giggle. Holding him in my hands, his tongue wetting every inch of my face.

" thank you dad, thank you mama! I love him!" Deciding on a name I rambled through nonsense until I came up with gunner. "Hm... gunner, how do you like that boy?" I smiled at both my parents and was asked to be excused and ran to my bedroom holding a miracle in my hands. I pet him until he dozed off, talking quietly until father burst into my room.

"It already shit on the carpet, sorry grace but I think I'm gonna have to get you a different dog." His face was red, his hands stretched out to retrieve the dog but I held onto gunner tighter. Father looked into my eyes his anger growing stronger, mother warned me not to make him mad but I thought for Christmas it would be okay to break the rule a little. But he must have not thought so, he grabbed him and tightened his grip until the dog whimpered as he struggled to get away from father's grasp.

"Daddy I want to keep him! I promise it won't happen again and if it does I'll punish him and kick him out that instant... okay? Please daddy?" The daughter fluttering her eyes always worked, watching the dog suffer and how much it has been through with him being held by father for only 5 minutes made me step up my game that much more... but I know something was gonna go terribly wrong. The dog was thrown onto my bed, he buried his head under my legs, shaking as he was first introduced to my father's rage...

He left the room without a sound, still angry because the back of his neck was still a bright red.

"Goodnight, don't worry I got used to it I think you might, but you can't poop on the carpet or... bad stuff will happen." That was it, I lay my head on my fluffed pillow and slept deeply with my new puppy.

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