𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

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"But," he continued hesitantly, "I know I have this stupid, small crush on him. And I was fine with it before, but once you told me how rude he can be I felt bad since I don't wanna like someone who's awful to my friends."

He paused.

"It wouldn't be fair to you guys."

A smile couldn't help form on the corners of Yoongi's lips at the word 'friend'.

Knowing that Hoseok was still giving him a chance and more than happy to start anew only made the boy swell up with hope and graciousness.

"Hmm," Yoongi hummed, "well, you can like whoever the f*ck you want since it's not my business. I was just warning you so you know what you're getting yourself into, from past experience."

Nodding, the younger motioned for him to continue.

"I've know Chul since Freshman year, Hoseok. And when you first meet him, he's super kind and helpful and all these great things that you hear from other people. So in return, I was nice to him treating him with equal respect. But as soon as you're nice to him, he just takes advantage of it and completely manipulates you."

As Yoongi paused to nibble on the sweet he ha gotten, Hoseok took time to soak this information in.

It made sense to the younger perfectly, how people are often two faced and rarely show their actual personality. And Hoseok felt horrible that Yoongi had to deal with this constantly, and he couldn't even do anything to stop it.

He was useless.

"How come you don't complain about his behavior to the coach, or something," Hoseok gently asked, not wanting to infuriate the boy sitting across from him.

"Because," Yoongi hesitated, "he's just a jerk, like a lot of other students in this crappy school. It's not like he's beating up people or physically harming anyone, it's just his snotty and extremely impolite behavior that gets on my nerves. So it's not anything worth telling on for," he nonchalantly explained, gazing down towards the table to avoid any eye contact.

But something about that made Hoseok angry, that they simply couldn't do anything about because it wasn't bad enough?

He understood where Yoongi was coming from, but the mere idea of it made the boy livid.

"That's dumb," and as soon as those words slipped out, Hoseok instantly slapped a hand over his mouth, eyes widening in shock.

"N-not you-u, just 'cause-"

Yoongi cut him off from blabbering, "It's okay, I get what you mean," Yoongi lightly chuckled at Hoseok's shocked facial expression, "I even agree with you, it is dumb but the school wouldn't follow through since Chul technically hasn't even done anything."

Nodding, Hoseok asked further questions, "So, um, what has he done specifically to you?"

Yoongi tensed up at the question, yet knowing he had to put away his own selfishness for now, for Hoseok's sake.

"Well, literally after every practice he says something stupid like, 'You're pathetic, you're pretty bad for a captain, I see you didn't fall this time,' and honestly it doesn't bother me at all 'cause it's pretty dumb sounding," he laughed before continuing, "but it's not just me he's bitter to, it's the whole team. They're all as sick of him as I am, but no one dares stand up to him because they know they won't win. He's too cocky to let his guard down."

Nodding, a guilt wretched feeling formed inside the pit of Hoseok's stomach, as it only bubbled up more with anxieties and self blame as to how could he possibly let himself fall?

『 ʙᴇɴᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʀғᴀᴄᴇ ⋙ sᴏᴘᴇ 』✔︎Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin